Jeffrey Johnson: Empire State Building shooter identified. Casually killed ex boss.
Empire State building shooting. Commentators react as gun law debate ignites.
Empire State building shoot out was the work of disgruntled fired co worker. Killed his ex boss.
Empire State Building gunman opens fire, kills 2, ten injured. Pedestrians were hunted.
As details emerge as to the character of the Empire State building shooter, Jeffrey Johnson, details are also emerging as to the type of man Steven Ercolino his victim, was as well.
sfgate: Wearing a suit and tie and carrying a briefcase, women’s accessories designer Jeffrey Johnson walked up to the import company vice president, Steven Ercolino, put a gun to his head and fired five times without saying a word, authorities said.
A witness told investigators that Johnson shot Ercolino once in the head and, after he fell to the sidewalk, stood over him and shot him again. The gunman walked away and calmly turned up 5th Avenue, where he blended in with the crowd, police said.
“Jeffrey just came from behind two cars, pulled out his gun, put it up to Steve’s head and shot him,” said Carol Timan, whose daughter, Irene, was walking to Hazan Imports at the time with Ercolino.
Johnson, 58, and Ercolino had traded accusations of harassment when Johnson worked there, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. Johnson had been laid off about a year ago. Police said he blamed the victim, believing Ercolino had failed to aggressively promote his line of women’s T-shirts.
According to a police source, Johnson shot Ercolino twice up close—the first was to kill, the second for “revenge.”
gothamist: Ercolino worked as a vice president of sales at Hazan Import, according to his LinkedIn profile. “He was an incredible family man, loved his family,” Ercolino’s sister-in-law Andrea told the Journal about the victim, adding that he was the “best uncle to my children.” Police Commissioner Ray Kelly added during the press conference that Johnson and Ercolino were involved in an “ongoing dispute”—they were cross complainants in a harassment case. The NY Times added that Ecolino’s co-worker confirmed that fact, saying the victim had an order of protection against Johnson after a physical altercation in which “Johnson elbowed Steve Ercolino. Ercolino grabbed him by throat, said do that again & I’ll kill you.”
And now he has just gone done that. Mercilessly killed Steven Ercolino…
He learned the dead way not to bully people at work. He won’t do that again.
I guess it doesn’t heart to be a little nice while you maintain a tough business position.
that confused me as well… that and the bad grammer
If he had me lose my job I would have pumped all 10 bullets from my glock 37.
well steven looks like a piece of shit, so im sure he deserved it.
Both had previously had a gay affair with each other….it’ll come out
The murdered victim looks gay and evil nature! His fiancee looks like a man dressed in drag.
that is the picture of the victim of Jeffrey Johnson Steven Ercolino not Jeffrey Johnson
This article needs proof reading “Ercolino grabbed him by throat, said do that again & I’ll kill you.
And now he has just gone done that. Mercilessly killed Steven Ercolino…”. Are you saying that Ercolino threatened himself and then killed himself? Also you have missed commas and inverted commas. Doesn’t sound like everyone loved him either as his family say (he did get elbowed by and threaten to kill someone afterall).
I’m so shocked! this man has lost his life! and this is what people have to write! stop the crap people this poor guy was shot point blank no one die that way! shame on you for judging his life, i worked in the same building for years and he seem nothing less then a nice guy,,,, again SHAME on you!!!! ,, this could have been your family member!!!
That’s his fiancé’? Wow, cause he’s all over the male gay sites (Grindr) with a profile. Sure he wasn’t double-dipping?
He loved life, women and most probably ( body language ) was anything but a kind person.