Home Scandal and Gossip Adrian Alicea; Deep in Vogue.

Adrian Alicea; Deep in Vogue.


Fall - 2009, 'Nico and Adrian.'

SCV: Which I guess has informed your own collection?

AA: Well I really feel the designers of the early nineties were really pushing the boundaries, the fabrics, what could pass as fashion, incorporating rebel, counter culture and making it look so beautiful. To this day I have been so inspired by people like Vivien Westwood, Jean Paul Gaultier, Yohji, Commes De Garcon. So I think it’s true a lot of the designs I do with my partner Nico really reflect an uninhibited spirit, the willingness to be daring and experimental.

SCV: How long have you and Nico been designing your collections?

AA: We probably started doing our first designs for both men and women four or five years ago and we’re really fortunate that Patricia Fields came across our line and she really was very supportive and started showing our line at her store downtown.

SCV: Where else do you show your clothes?

AA: Well now we have a backer, so we’re looking to expand to Shanghai, China, that plus we have a lot of private sales- for instance Paris Hilton, Marilyn Manson, Lil Kim. Ofcourse we just launched our first underwear collection and we’re looking to finalize distribution once they’re ready to go.

SCV: I also understand you also just got back from Vienna, Austria?

AA: Yeah, Pat Field calls me up and says Adrien we’re all going to Vienna for the Life Ball and I want you to come with us, your ticket’s waiting for you and you’re going to be in the fashion show. So there I was back in Vienna…

SCV: I’m curious you mention how the early nineties were a profound influence on your own work, is that to say you have little regard for fashion these days?

AA: Well, I think it’s become very plain, people just wearing jeans and t-shirts. Back in the 80’s in NY you’d have graffiti every where, everyone trying to prove to each other that they were punk and that really made for some real statements, you could really feel the energy. I think now days so much has been sanitized.

SCV: So the counter culture plays a big part for you?

AA: Well I also I like to go back to the periods and draw inspiration from there. For our last collection we drew influence from the Marie Antoinette eighteen century, we had the frills, the big wigs, the lace, amazing that even back then they had the desire to really dress up.

SCV: What inspired you to start designing in the first place.

AA: Well I’ve been around it all my life, whether as a model or at home. I grew up in a big family, with ten kids, so I’d always be watching my mom sew, so hands on – very few designers work that way, and that’s the way I like to make my clothes. Ultimately it’s become a very fulfilling way to express myself.

SCV: What goes on from here?

AA: We’ll we’re preparing for spring 2010 collection and then off in a few weeks to Peurto Rico we’re we have a few shows lined up, so I’ve been finishing up the line.

SCV: Lastly, what’s it mean to be deep in vogue?

AA: I really think it’s an attitude, a lifestyle, and I say you’ve got to make a stand, not everyone is going to love what you do, but as long as you love it, force the boundaries from time to time, have the passion and are able to inspire other people that’s ultimately what counts.

Fall - 2009, 'Nico and Adrian.'