Home Fashion The Changing tide in Fashion. What’s going on?

The Changing tide in Fashion. What’s going on?

Lea T, a Brazilian trans sexual has been embrached by French Vogue. See link at bottom of page for article

If you think I’m being a bit to salacious, let me share with you, again, my problem with the “Fat and Fabulous” movement. These fatties, if that’s what they want to be called, are taking to their snug fitting computer chairs and celebrating being “fat and fashionable,” with their other plus-sized princesses, let the blogging and binge eating begin!

Scallywag: Here’s my problem with the “Fat and Fabulous” movement. First of all, the word fat has a negative connotation. Ask me what I think of when I hear the word fat and I will use the following adjectives: slovenly, gluttonous, and lazy. Anyone interested in fashion, and their general appearance, is by proxy, none of those things. For one to glorify being “fat,” I find, extremely offensive. Fat isn’t healthy. Why not focus on predicating your cause on promoting a healthy lifestyle and body image, in which it is understood that all women, and men for that matter, come in different shapes in sizes? To call oneself fat is an insult, and self-reflection of negativity.

Lea T in a French editorial

ABC News posed the same argument in their expose.

ABC News: It is an interesting dilemma. On one hand we are a nation going the wrong way with respect to weight. Sixty percent of women are overweight and a third obese, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. We want to be healthy and we don’t want to promote unhealthy lifestyles.

Now as I sit here and pontificate, let me explain to you why I am qualified to do so, and why I think it’s important for us “real sized,” girls to stand up against Fat and Fabulous, and promote, instead, a healthy, not hefty, mentality on fashion. And how this ties in to the changing tides of favored fashion idols (see trans sexual Lea T above) and the way we are even shooting fashion (see pics next page of Steven Meisel’s ‘Water and Oil.’)



  1. I’m really not sure, after reading this article, what exactly the writer’s point is. She criticizes the writing skills of blogger yet her own skills are so marginal as to make the essay incoherent. Perhaps a few lessons in how to write clearly would help her get her point across.

  2. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t understand how the author of this blog/article is any different than the “Fat and Fabulous Bloggers” who are described as:
    “the thorn in the side of real fashion editorial; plus sized fashionistas, complete with size sixteen jeans and grade school grammar, ready to gobble you up if you don’t buy into their “fat is fabulous” philosophy.” It seems like the author of this blog is just trying to get us to buy into the “fat is NOT fabulous philosophy.”

    Of course there are lots of negative connotations with the word “fat,” as the author states, but by using the word in this new way – related to being fabulous and fashionable – women are taking the word back and giving it a new and different power. It is people like the author of this blog who keep the term “fat” in the realm of negativity.

    FAT CAN BE FABULOUS AND IT CAN BE HEALTHY! Not everyone who is fat is lazy or gluttonous. Being fat doesn’t mean you sit around and eat junk all day. You can be fat and exercise and healthy. We should be promoting health at every size, not just health at thin and “regular size.”

    Don’t buy into the propaganda and this blogger’s opinion that fat has no place in fashion.

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