An incredible shift in the tides is happening in the fashion world. The push for real-sized women wearing real-sized high fashion is in full swing, both with retailers, and on the runway. Curvier women are being used in both high fashion print campaigns, like Jean Paul Gaultier’s new advertisements with plus sized beauty Crystal Renn, and gracing the covers of fashion behemoths like Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. So things are looking up, right? Well, kind of…
Enter stage left, you little groundlings, the Perez Hilton’s of Fashion Blogging. Here they are, the thorn in the side of real fashion editorial; plus sized fashionistas, complete with size sixteen jeans and grade school grammar, ready to gobble you up if you don’t buy into their “fat is fabulous” philosophy. They’re fat and their proud; and seem to use the Queen Bee of tabloid trash, Perez Hilton, as the inspiration for being witless, wannabes bloggers, who to their own accolade, yes, I’ll cut them a small break; do find a voice and following.
But at what cost to society?
ABC News: According to Fatshionistas (yes, another real word used to describe plus-size fashion bloggers), the time has come and the Internet and social media are enabling online retailers and specialty shops within brick-and-mortar retailers to reach and market to women hungry to buy fashionable clothes that fit.
To me, the “Fat and Fabulous” movers and shakers are to the Fashion world, what Perez Hilton is to the blogging world. They’ve got an in, they’ve found their niche, and they’ve even got a loyal following; Congratulations, you’re doing better than 90% of us starving schmucks selling our souls to get a little bit of media coverage for real journalism; but what service are you really providing? Instead of focusing on the real issue at hand, it’s vapid, mindless chatter. Bubblegum journalism filled with buzzwords (not-so) cleverly juxtaposed into our everyday speak; Fatshionista. Mmm, now doesn’t that sound nice?
I’m really not sure, after reading this article, what exactly the writer’s point is. She criticizes the writing skills of blogger yet her own skills are so marginal as to make the essay incoherent. Perhaps a few lessons in how to write clearly would help her get her point across.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t understand how the author of this blog/article is any different than the “Fat and Fabulous Bloggers” who are described as:
“the thorn in the side of real fashion editorial; plus sized fashionistas, complete with size sixteen jeans and grade school grammar, ready to gobble you up if you don’t buy into their “fat is fabulous” philosophy.” It seems like the author of this blog is just trying to get us to buy into the “fat is NOT fabulous philosophy.”
Of course there are lots of negative connotations with the word “fat,” as the author states, but by using the word in this new way – related to being fabulous and fashionable – women are taking the word back and giving it a new and different power. It is people like the author of this blog who keep the term “fat” in the realm of negativity.
FAT CAN BE FABULOUS AND IT CAN BE HEALTHY! Not everyone who is fat is lazy or gluttonous. Being fat doesn’t mean you sit around and eat junk all day. You can be fat and exercise and healthy. We should be promoting health at every size, not just health at thin and “regular size.”
Don’t buy into the propaganda and this blogger’s opinion that fat has no place in fashion.