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Leading Causes Of Depression And Available Counseling Options

counseling for depression
Leading causes of depression & various forms of counseling
counseling for depression
Leading causes of depression & various forms of counseling

Leading causes of depression and various forms of counseling to help cope with mental health challenges and help you live a productive, fulfilling life!

Presented by BetterHelp.

Life can be challenging, knocking even the most resilient people off their feet. While everyone feels sad from time to time, most people can return to their usual state of being by giving themselves some time. However, for those living with depression, getting out of a funk can feel impossible. 

Depression can impact multiple areas of a person’s life, including their performance at work, academic achievements, home life, and interpersonal relationships. Thus, reaching out for help is often necessary to get back on one’s feet. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the leading causes of depression and various forms of counseling that can be effective in treating it. 

What Is Depression? 

Depression is a serious type of mental health disorder that negatively impacts the way people think, feel, and behave. Alongside anxiety, it is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. The two major symptoms of depression are loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities and persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Other symptoms include fatigue, withdrawal from loved ones, trouble with concentration, problems with sleeping and eating, and more. 

Getting professional support and treatment for depression can be vital, as it may worsen when left unaddressed. At its worst, depression can lead to suicidal thoughts or attempts, putting people’s lives at risk. 

Leading Causes Of Depression

Depression usually doesn’t have just one cause, but there are certain factors that may increase a person’s risk of developing it. These include: 

  • Medical conditions
  • Genetics
  • Adverse childhood experiences 
  • Pregnancy or giving birth 
  • Fluctuating hormones
  • Medication
  • Other mental health disorders
  • Misusing substances like drugs and alcohol
  • Traumatic events
  • Grief
  • Social isolation or feeling lonely
  • Brain chemistry
  • Verbal, psychological, emotional, sexual, or physical abuse 
  • High levels of stress
Counseling for depression
Leading causes of depression & various forms of counseling

Experts tend to agree that depression is caused by a combination of environmental, genetic, and social factors. This means that it can be difficult to predict whether someone will develop it or not, no matter how many or how few risk factors they have. 

Available Counseling Options

Participating in counseling can be a powerful way to overcome the symptoms of depression. However, there are many options to choose from when it comes to counseling, including the following: 

*  Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a form of counseling that helps people identify which of their thoughts are unhelpful and then alter those thoughts to think more positively. CBT can allow people with depression to change the maladaptive thinking patterns that may be contributing to or worsening the disorder. By adopting healthier ways of thinking, they can build their resilience and self-esteem, empowering them to overcome the symptoms they’re experiencing. 

 *  Interpersonal therapy (IPT): Interpersonal therapy, or IPT, is a therapeutic approach that focuses on helping people improve their interactions with others to promote healing. This form of therapy rests on the idea that depression and other mental health concerns are a result of poor or problematic relationships with other people. IPT helps people with depression manage their emotions and state of mind by teaching them how to build a stronger support network of family, friends, and other helpful individuals. 

 *  Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT): Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a form of CBT that helps people cope with mental health concerns by teaching them how to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that promotes relaxation and stress reduction through self-awareness, staying in the present moment, and observing one’s thoughts with judgment or interpretation. People with depression can benefit from MBCT as it helps them counteract negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and choose more self-compassionate responses. 

Depression is commonly treated using a combination of therapy and medication. Connecting with a qualified counselor or medical professional can be a useful way to learn more about available mental health medications for depression, including their side effects and potential benefits. 


Everyone is impacted by depression in different ways, making it important to seek a personalized treatment plan that considers the individual’s unique needs. This disorder can be persistent, meaning that it may take trial and error to find a counseling approach that works effectively. Keeping an open mind during treatment and committing to the plan set forth by one’s doctor and therapist can provide people with depression a greater chance of recovery. Reaching out for support is a sign of strength, not weakness, and it’s crucial that those with depression know that they are never alone.