Building a healthy love relationship & avoiding common mistakes: knowing your values, shared goals, working as a team & letting go of the past.
Only some people have the luck to meet their soulmates at high school. Most of us have to kiss many ‘frogs’ before finding a ‘prince’ or ‘princess’ to spend life with.
So basically, we start building the most important relationships in our lives relying on the negative experiences we have had in the past. If you feel like you have met the right person and want to avoid some common mistakes, check out the following tips.
Know Your Values
You and your partner can be different in many ways, but you can still be a perfect match if you share common values. You may have different preferences in food, sports, and even politics, and it will not affect your relationships. For instance, if you and your partner are fans of two different basketball teams, you can live with it.
But if you have opposite values, you have zero chances to be happy together in the long run. For instance, you can’t be with someone who doesn’t want to have kids if you dream about having a big family.
Do you have any doubts regarding the values and beliefs that your partner may have? Discuss them right away to prevent any misunderstandings that can influence your relationships in a negative way.
Let Go of the Past
Remember that your new relationship has nothing to do with your past. So don’t project your problems with your ex on your current partner. For instance, if your ex has cheated on you, you may worry about your partner being unfaithful. Remind yourself that your trust issues are just yours, and you should not disturb your partner for no reason.
Don’t Ask Questions about Past Relationships
You may wonder how many lovers your partner had before he met you. But please, don’t start such a conversation, and don’t ask questions about past relationships. The answers will not satisfy you anyway.
Don’t try to learn more about your partner’s ex, and don’t compare yourself with that person. Don’t waste your energy on those destructive thoughts. Be present in the moment and love your partner with all your heart – it will be more than enough to make him happy.
Don’t Expect Your Partner to Read Your Mind
Here is the best relationship advice you can get: If you want your partner to do something, ask him to do it. Don’t expect that he will guess what you want from him. If you want to know his opinion on your new haircut, ask him a direct question – don’t wait until he notices those little changes in your appearance. If you want him to pick up your sister at the airport, ask him to do it – don’t wait till he offers it first.
Minor misunderstandings are common, and they will not affect your relationship. So, if you are not satisfied with something, you need to talk openly about it. The more you talk to each other, the more you will bond.
Avoid People Who Are Against Your Relationships
While most of your friends and family support you, some people might be skeptical about your choice of a partner. Don’t listen to them – don’t let their negative attitudes poison your romantic relationships.
Instead, listen to your heart. If someone tells you that you can’t build long-term relationships with someone you have met on a hookup app or at a strip bar, tell them they are wrong and block them on your phone and social media. Or ignore them and keep enjoying a happy life with your new partner.
Get Prepared for Your First Trip as a Couple
A first vacation together can put your relationship under strain, or worse, can lead to conflicts. So, if you want your traveling experience to be enjoyable, you should do the following:
- Discuss with your partner what specifically you want to do once you arrive at your travel destination. For example, will you go straight to the beach to surf or just stay at the hotel and chill at the bar?
- Talk about money. Set a budget for your trip and discuss how each of you will contribute to it.
- Don’t expect your trip to be perfect. Your plane may be delayed, and your baggage may get lost. If some unexpected event happens, don’t make a drama from it.
Surviving the first trip is a sign that you are a perfect match and can overcome any relationship crisis.
Wrapping Up
Falling in love is just the first step. If you want your romance to turn into something big, you should put effort into it.
Do you want to live happily ever after? Be patient with your partner. Don’t try to change him. Accept his flaws, deal with your own insecurities, and allow yourself to love him with all your heart.