Home Pop Culture Everything That You Can Do With A Military Studies Degree

Everything That You Can Do With A Military Studies Degree

Military Studies Degree Career Opportunities
What Careers await with a Military Studies Degree?
Military Studies Degree Career Opportunities
What Careers await with a Military Studies Degree?

What Careers await with a Military Studies Degree? Navigating opportunities available in the US Army: from artillery, intelligence & aviation.

One question that many people tend to ask is, “what job will I get if I pursue a degree in military studies?” but the truth is a degree in military studies is an excellent means of exploring various scientific and historical aspects of warfare. Military studies also referred to as War studies, provides the opportunity for students to explore human conflicts in areas like economic, military, political, diplomatic, and psychological dimensions.

It also focuses on providing academic discipline and general knowledge, which bears on the practical issues of strategic planning and defense policy. While all these seem appealing, the essential question that needs to be answered is; what can you do with a military degree. If you have an interest in a career in some areas of national security, then a degree in military studies may just be the suitable option for you. If you still seem unsure, don’t fret, as this article will focus on the types of jobs you qualify for with a military degree.

Careers With A Military Degree

The moment you earn a degree in military studies, it will become apparent to you that numerous opportunities are readily available to you whether it’s an online military history degree or one in science. However, one crucial detail to note is, it is essential to have an idea of the career path you plan on entering once you have completed the program requirement. This way, you will have the opportunity of building your education to suit your career goals for a greater educational experience. Some of the career paths you can pursue with a military degree includes:

  • Field Artillery Officer

The job of the field artillery officer involves heading the artillery branch of the U.S Army. This sector is in charge of attacking the opposing sides during a war with the use of rockets, cannons, and missiles. The field artillery officers(s) are in charge of overseeing and directing all other artillery soldiers under their rank in order to ensure the absolute following of proper firearm protocol during combat on land. In this case, having a degree in military science, though not required, is still very much beneficial.

  • Intelligence Officer

Intelligence officers are known to work for the U.S Air force by offering their assistance in protecting information from outside threats. They make use of data and information as regards the opposing forces to aid allies in defending against the enemies. Intelligence officers are also tasked with supervising team members in order to ensure that information is appropriately assessed and efficient, as well as also ensuring that every information gets to its intended recipients.

Military Studies Degree Career Opportunities
Careers available with a Military Studies Degree.
  • Aviation Supply Officer

An Aviation supply officer is in charge of monitoring inventory, budget management, including safeguarding the records of aviation logistics in order to ensure reliability and safety. Aviation supply officers possess outstanding communication skills in order to duly supervise their department as well as remain in contact with supply agencies.

Other career options for an individual with a military degree include but are not limited to; Military Analyst, Police Analyst, Cybersecurity Expert, Educator, Museum Archivist, Military Author, Military history Unit Member, amongst numerous others. So if you are considering getting a military degree (military science or history), but you are worried about what career would be available for you, don’t bother as you are sure to find a job that will fit your skills and knowledge.