Asian man beaten NYC subway train by black man on J train at Kosciuszko Street station stop along NYC Subway. No arrests as authorities question whether attack was a bias hate crime.
A black man is being sought following the release of video over the weekend showing the un-named suspect viciously assaulting an Asian man at a Brooklyn stop along NYC’s Subway line.
The brutal beating was caught on camera aboard a Manhattan-bound J train. In the video, punches are flying between the two men. Eventually, the black man is seen repeatedly striking the Asian man before chocking him.
The video ends with the Asian man passing out and the other man walking off the train at the Kosciuszko Street Station. As he walks off, video shows the man glaring at other passengers who had futilely watched on, with some pleading to no avail for the un-known man to stop — of note, no one attempted to physically interlude.
Detectives with the NYPD are now investigating whether the incident is another hate crime in a string of recent episodes directed at Asians.
Authorities have yet to say when the incident happened, with the victim yet to file an incident report the nydailynews reported. A witness at the end of the minute long video can be heard claiming the victim called the suspect the N-word.
A person violently beats up and punches an Asian male in the head repeatedly in a Manhattan Bound (J) train at Kosciuszko Street Station, chokes him afterwards until he is unconscious. Be on the lookout for this person! pic.twitter.com/FCrqiPcxFc— Asian Dawn (@AsianDawn4) March 29, 2021
Social media responds
The incident led to a wide array of commentators on social media responding.
Posted one user: ‘I’m Asian. This video shows a fight between an Asian man & a black man w/the Asian man losing the fight. Before making it about race… let’s find out the whole story. Did black dude have to choke this guy out? Nah but is this racially motivated and unprovoked? Don’t know yet.’
While another wrote: ‘Using the N word is wrong, but to say it excuses any type of physical violence in response is insane. That was a sadistic level of violence no matter the reason. Guy needs to be locked up, he is a danger to the public.’
While another user also posted: ‘You know, it really pisses me off how the left made such a big deal about the skin color of the shooter in the Atlanta shootings, yet in the weeks since that shooting I’ve seen over a dozen videos of Asians being assaulted by blacks and those same leftists are nowhere to be seen.’
The episode led to lawmakers reaffirming their commitment to strengthen laws and increase community training NBCNY reports.
‘We too have an obligation to stand up and support our neighbors in need,’ Senator Andrew Goundares told a group during a Monday morning rally in Bensonhurst.
Rep. Grace Meng, who represents parts of Queens, called the attack sickening.
‘The victim is beaten and chocked so brutally that he appears to become unconscious. As I have said, the rise in violence against Asian Americans is disgusting and unconscionable,’ Meng said.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo directed the New York State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to provide assistance to the ongoing investigation.
‘The misguided rhetoric which has vilified Asian Americans throughout this pandemic is highly dangerous, and now we are seeing more and more painful real-life consequences. It is sickening and I want every New Yorker who identifies as part of the Asian American community to know this: in this state we not only condemn the hateful rhetoric, but we stand with you because we are all one family, united against hate,’ the governor said in a statement.