Home Pop Culture Surprising Details About My Time Working on the Best Adult Webcam Sites

Surprising Details About My Time Working on the Best Adult Webcam Sites

Live Sex Cam Model
Live Sex Cam Model explains how to make a living on the internet. Image via Pixabay.
Live Sex Cam Model
Live Sex Cam Model explains how to make a living on the internet. Image via Pixabay.

Live Sex Cam Model explains what it takes to work for the Best Adult Webcam Sites and how to make a living on the internet when it comes to sex. 

The world of webcam modeling is dynamic and never boring. This industry has been steadily growing in the last years and has become an appealing option for many, especially young, women who are struggling to pay their bills. Sex and everything connected to it sells! That’s the simple truth.

My story is pretty similar to many others – I was barely making ends meet and webcamming seemed like a convenient solution for at least some of my problems. It was not an easy decision to put myself out there like that but desperate times call for drastic measures, right?! I did it and looking back, I have no regrets whatsoever.

Let’s dive a bit deeper and let me share some of the surprising details I came to find out while working in this part of the sex industry.

What is Webcam Modeling?

If you’re thinking about becoming a cam girl, it’s important to know what this job entails and how you should handle the business aspect of it. First of all, all you’ll need is an internet connection and a webcam. If that’s secured, you can work from any place in the world. Second, it means entertaining people in a sexual manner. In most cases, there is a difference between group and private sessions.

In the group, all who enter that room will be able to see you and talk to you via chat. The models have their clothes on (it’s provocative but they are not nude) and the pieces are lower. However, those who want the girl’s undivided attention will have to pay more and enter a private room.

There, the rules are different. You can talk about everything and anything you want, including your darkest sexual fantasies. During these sessions, girls will take off their clothes or they will be wearing something special you requested.

It’s important to understand, you will meet all kinds of people through this line of work. Although most of the people are quite respectable, there are also those who allow themselves too much freedom. That’s why make sure you know how far you are willing to go when it comes to their demands and what sort of behavior you will not tolerate.

Getting a Job

There are several things to consider when it comes to getting started as a cam model. First, you need to find a good site that will host your interactions with people. The list of live sex cams sites is quite long and you need to do some digging before you decide which one to apply for. Look for things like average model earnings and payment options (daily, weekly, monthly), high site traffic, international reach, etc.

After you’ve made your choice, you need to upload an attractive picture that will draw the clients in. Also, don’t forget to complete your profile because something like that, plus your photo, will make you more appealing to those scanning the site.

Interesting Facts about Working as a Live Sex Cam Model

1. Deciding Your Own Working Hours

You can take on camming as a part-time or a full-time job. For those who are just starting, the first option is better. You will need some time to build your following. Once you have enough clients and the earnings can cover your overall monthly expenses and allow you to put some money on the side, you can start considering quitting your ‘regular’ job.

One of the best things about working as a cam model is the possibility of deciding when you’re going to work and for how long. Typically, people who are already employed, work 2 to 3 hours for 2 to 3 days a week. However, the period you spend working will depend on the number of viewers coming into your room. Some days are slow and you might have to ‘close the shop’ earlier while some days, you stay on camera for more hours than planned due to higher activity.

Live Sex Cam Model
Making it as a Live Sex Cam Model means a bigger paycheck! Image via Pixabay.

Also, you can set up your camera anywhere in the world you want. This will provide you with much-desired flexibility. Basically, you can work whenever and wherever you want and that is a luxury most people can’t afford.  

2. Bigger Paycheck 

To be honest, how much you’ll earn depends on many factors but the truth is that, even if you are camming only part-time, you can earn more than an average salary. Some of the top models are earning more than $300,000 per year. Still, to reach this kind of a level, you will probably work for a longer number of hours, and don’t forget to be more active on social media.

Online social platforms will make you more visible to potential clients. However, will you use these depending on how comfortable you are with people in your life finding out about what you do for a living? But if you’re open about it, this type of exposure can also lead to some other job opportunities and consequential to bigger cash inflow.   

3. Higher Self-Esteem

Some of the cam girls were surprised at how liberating this job has been for them. They were able to explore different parts of their personality and become more confident in themselves. Also, as your own boss, you will be responsible for everything. This means having good organizational skills and if you don’t have any, you will have to develop them. By solving problems, you will be able to prove your worth and just how efficient you can be. This will boost your self-esteem and you will feel much better in your own skin.  

4. Making Friends for Life

The sense of community is strong in this industry. The majority of the girls who are working on live cam sites know each other personally as well. After all, there are not many people out there who can truly understand the ups and downs of this type of work. So, having someone who can understand your struggles and celebrate your successes is important. And you will find that here. 

Working on some of the best webcam sites has opened up a whole new world to me and I don’t regret a single thing. There is never a dull day but it’s not for everyone. If you’re considering becoming a cam model, make sure you do your research and try to get in touch with girls who are already doing this.