A Beginners Guide to CBD: What is it, how does it work, is it legal, are there side effects, & should you use it as a health supplement?
CBD is a new type of beauty and lifestyle supplement that has already exploded into popularity. It has become an industry worth well over $300m and is expected to reach $1 billion within the next five years. For many, CBD is a strange and scary new substance, and it’s easy to be confused by it is and what it’s used for. Here’s a jargon free, easy-to-understand guide of everything you need to know about this potential miracle supplement.
What Is It?
CBD stands for cannabidiol and is one of over 110 chemical compounds that can be found in the hemp plant – yes, the same hemp plant used to make the drug, marijuana. This chemical interacts with certain receptors located throughout the body, particularly the brain, and can influence a lot of bodily functions, such as pain sensation, mood and emotions, as well as appetite.
It’s important to make clear that the chemical CBD has nothing to do with the psychedelic effects associated with smoking or consuming weed, as it’s the chemical THC which does that. Now, the vast majority of CBD products contain a minuscule amount of THC in it, due to how hard it is to fully remove the chemical entirely, but it’s such a small amount that it has virtually no effect on you, and the amount is regulated so strictly that any CBD product that has a THC content of over 0.3% isn’t allowed to be legally sold.
Is CBD Dangerous?
CBD can be dangerous, depending on the quality and source. As it’s a new industry, there’s not a lot of regulation to stop companies from using toxic extraction processes and poor-quality hemp, meaning that you could end up with a harmful product. That’s why it’s important to make sure the CBD you use is from a good source and is third party tested, as these tests are in place to make sure there’s no harmful chemicals or excess THC.
There are also potential side effects of this product, so be weary of any nausea, fatigue, and irritability, and be careful when using this in conjunction with medication, as it can boost that medication’s effectiveness, making it potentially hazardous. It can also increase the levels of coumadin, which makes your blood thinner.
How is it Used?
CBD is used primarily as a health supplement, and that’s mainly because it’s not allowed to be marketed as anything else. Although there are a lot of arguments that CBD can treat and reduce symptoms of various illnesses, there’s not been enough testing to prove or deny these claims, meaning that it’s illegal to claim that CBD is anything more than a supplement.
Despite that, many people use it daily to combat pain and inflammation, they use it as part of beauty products to potentially improve their skin, or they take it to try and boost their mental health. CBD is used in a wide and varied way, meaning that there are also different ways to take it. To find the best type of CBD for you, check out these CBD reviews to find the right product for you.
The most common form of CBD products is oils. These are administered as droplets through pipets and are normally placed behind the tongue for 60 seconds so that it spreads into the blood stream. As well as this, there are CBD balms and lotions that are rubbed onto skin to better tackle pain and inflammation like aching joints and muscular injuries. There’re also various edibles such as gummies that people can ingest to get the potential benefits.