Lisa Hutchinson Whitesboro New Hartford BOCES teaching assistant pays student $50 to punch classmate after vandalism of her home
A New York state teaching assistant has been arrested after allegedly paying a student $50 to punch one of his classmates.
Lisa Hutchinson, 41 of Whitesboro, a teaching assistant at New Hartford BOCES is accused of having made the deal with the pupil to punch them on her behalf WSYR reports.
The Oneida County teaching assistant according to an arrest affidavit allegedly paid the student $50 to carry out the assault.
The un-named student is said to have received the money but did not end up carrying out the act.
Hutchinson – a mother of two —upon her arrest on Friday was charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a child.
She was released on an appearance ticket. Hutchinson will be arraigned at New Hartford Town Court at a later date.

More to the story than teacher is letting on?
Hutchinson acknowledged the incident occurring on her Facebook page together with a link to a news incident reporting the details:
‘I’m just putting this out here for everyone…yes this is me, and anyone that truly knows me. Well you know, and if you don’t please keep your comments to yourself. You only know one side and I’m okay with that…’, she wrote in a since removed post reports the dailymail.
But there’s more.
Recently, the teaching assistant was the victim of vandalism at her home after someone daubed graffiti and a slew of offensive words calling her a ‘s***’, and ‘w****’ in black paint all over the exterior walls of her home.
In a video posted online Hutchinson told viewers that she knows who committed the crime but has no way to go about proving it. Indeed.