Home Scandal and Gossip Did Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr kill their missing toddler son?

Did Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr kill their missing toddler son?

Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr
Are the parents of directly responsible for their child's missing disappearance?
Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr
Are the parents of two year old toddler, Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr directly responsible for Deorr Kunz Jr’s missing disappearance?

What are the parents of two year old missing boy, Deorr Kunz Jr, Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr refusing to tell the public? 

Just on six months since their 2 year old toddler son, Deorr Kunz Jr went missing in July, 2015, Idaho authorities have named the child’s parents as suspects in the child’s abrupt disappearance.

Cited in the ongoing investigation were the child’s parents, Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr in relation to the disappearance of their two year old son at a campsite in Idaho last summer.

The announcement on Monday from Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowermann comes after police told of ‘strongly suspecting‘ that the couple knew whether their two year old son was dead or alive and where he is. Until now the missing child’s parents had maintained that their son had been ‘abducted.

‘They’re not able to tell the same story twice because they’ve told so many stories,‘ Bowerman told KTVB-TV. ‘We’re getting changes in the stories all the time.’

Despite police now pointing out the missing child’s parents as chief suspects, a report via Fox tells that to date, no arrests have been made or warrants issued.

Bowerman told East Idaho News that he doesn’t think arrests are imminent because, he said, “We don’t want charge them too early should we find DeOrr and things change.”

Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr
Missing two year old boy, Deorr Kunz Jr.

The citation of Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr as suspects comes after the disappearance of their 2 year old toddler made national headlines last summer along with widespread searches for the missing boy.

A report via East Idaho News tells of two year old boy, Deorr Jr disappearing on July 10 from Timber Creek Reservoir campsite in Leodore, Idaho, where he was staying with his parents, grandfather and a family friend.

After he was reported missing, multiple agencies conducted searches around the campsite and beyond, using sonar technology to scour a nearby reservoir and wolf den. 

However, police found no sign of the child.  

Offered  Sheriff Lynn Bowermann via Fox News at the time of the child’s disappearance: ‘We’ve literally torn that country apart and found absolutely not one clue.

‘We conducted an exhaustive search of the area, which included eight agencies, multiple dog search groups and well over 100 people.’

The search ultimately covered a 2.5-mile radius around the campsite.

The team used sonar imaging equipment to search the reservoir – half a mile from where Deorr was last seen.

Police also searched a nearby wolf den, home to about 15 wolves, in case the toddler had been dragged there, with no leads. 

Addressing their missing tot son, the child’s parents maintained leaving their son with his grandfather while they went exploring, with the grandfather telling he believed the boy was with his parents.

Deorr would have been alone for between 20 and 45 minutes before anyone noticed he was missing, according to their account.

The parents volunteered to take polygraph tests though they were not being considered suspects.

Offered the missing child’s father, Deorr Kunz Sr in the immediate days after his son’s disappearance: ‘We’re looking for you son and we will find you. We love you more than anything in the world. You have a lot of people that love you and, buddy, we’ll find you.’

Added Deorr’s mother Jessica Mitchell: ‘If somebody has him please don’t hurt him. Just bring him home safely where he belongs.’

He doesn’t go anywhere without his blanket, his cup or his monkey and all three were left at the campground.’

Police dismissed the suggestion that Deorr was abducted early on because no other campers were seen in the area at the time he disappeared.

Police have said they ‘don’t have any evidence’ that Deorr was kidnapped.

The family were camping about 40 meters from a fast-flowing creek that empties into the Timber Creek Reservoir. 

Police have received tips from as far afield as Canada and southern California as to where Deorr may be, but the information offered so far has provided no leads. 

Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr

 Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr

Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr

Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr
Volunteers, helicopters, horses and dogs took part in the police search spanning 2.5 miles