Anthony Ruelas a 15 year old Texas student has been suspended from school despite the ‘hero’ as some have come to call him, saving the life of a fellow pupil after the teen girl had a sudden asthma attack.
Commotion would come to the fore after the teen boy from Gateway Middle School in Killeen, Texas was told he had broken school rules after having picked up a fellow student who had momentarily collapsed and carried her out to the school nurse.
The incident according to a report via 11alive happened when the student and his fellow classmates were sitting in class Tuesday morning when a female student began to gasp, wheeze, and gag for up to three minutes.
In turn the teacher emailed the school, asking the class to sit and remain calm.
Yet according to Anthony Ruelas, several minutes passed without anyone helping the girl which is when the boy came to the girl’s aid after falling out of her chair and onto the floor.
Ignoring the teacher’s instructions, he said ‘‘F**k that, we ain’t got time to wait for no email from the nurse,’ and went over and picked up the gasping student. He then carried her to the nurse’s office.
Despite the fact Anthony Ruelas may have saved the girl’s life, he was suspended for two days for breaking the rules.
‘I was like what? I’m suspended for this? Like, I was trying to help her,’ says Ruelas.
kcentv.com – KCEN HD – Waco, Temple, and Killeen
Responding to the school’s decision to suspend her son, Mandy Cortes told: ‘I don’t, ya know, think he should have used that language, but as far as getting suspended for walking out of class, he could have saved her life,’
The decision has led to the mother to contemplate homeschooling her son.
‘I feel like the kids hear enough of ‘they’re bad’ or their behavior, or you know, and for them to not be rewarded for really something that is brave, ya know, he is a hero to me,’ she said.
Of particular note, Ruelas’ teacher discipline referral form seems to confirm the teen’s version of events. Written in the teacher’s handwriting, it says:
‘During 5th period another student complained that she couldn’t breathe and was having an asthma attack. As I waited for a response from the nurse the student fell out of her chair to the floor. Anthony proceeded to go over and pick her up, saying ‘f***k that we ain’t got time to wait for no email from the nurse.’ He walks out of class and carries the other student to the nurse.’
Since national outcry over the incident, Killeen School District has declined to comment on the case, citing school and student health privacy rules.
Nevertheless the district did acknowledge in adjoining statements: ‘[The district] applauds the efforts of students who act in good faith to assist others in times of need.’
Of question, the board did not clarify how suspending a student for assisting another was consistent with that applause.
However, at least one person is grateful for Ruelas’ actions that day – the girl who had the asthma attack.
She texted him Wednesday evening and thanked him for helping her and letting him know that she was doing fine.
Asked if he would choose to do the same thing all over again, Ruelas said: ‘Definitely.’
@Killeenisd shame on your institution, disgraceful behavior and followup regarding Anthony Ruelas
— Amir Majid (@Amizmizz) January 22, 2016
#AnthonyRuelas keep up the good work. Morons in authority exist to be disobeyed.
— TypicalAustralianGuy (@Mister_Middle) January 22, 2016
Who fucking emails a nurse? This kid need an award. #AnthonyRuelas #TexasSucks #schoolForgotTheySuspendedHim https://t.co/LRPEPaDtWD
— Doom H.S. (@doomhasspoken) January 21, 2016