Appearing on TLC’s My Strange Addiction is 31 year old Kyle Jones of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who we come to learn has a stipulation that he adheres to vehemently when it comes to dating. Kyle refuses to date anyone if they are under 60.
In the last 5 years of dating, Jones admits he hasn’t dated anyone under the age of 60, a situation he has come to revel in.
Marjorie McCool, 91 year old great grandmother discusses her sex life with 31 year old boyfriend.
Tells Kyle: ‘I love everything about older women. I love the smell, I love the feel, I love the mentality,’
‘I love dentures. Women can be self-conscious about dentures. Ladies, I promise you, telling your man that you have dentures will not turn him off.
‘It’ll put a smile on his face. It’ll put a smile on his pants.’
So enamored with dentures that Kyle admits his oldest girlfriend, Marty Mc Rule, was 91.
Kyle points out that there are a myriad of terms for sexy older women, such as ‘milf’ and ‘cougar’. But the one he prefers is ‘silver fox’, because he finds platinum hair a huge turn-on.
Asked how he came to find himself turned on by ‘silver foxes,’ Kyle tells it all began back when he was in sixth grade.
Recalls Kyle: ‘There was a really sexy teacher, and she was probably about 65. She had the platinum hair, she was top heavy and she was just gorgeous,’
By the time he was 18, he was dating a 50-year-old. Naturally.
In the TLC program, Kyle is featured getting to know a ‘silver fox,‘ Karen, who has come to catch Kyle’s eye on a dating site.
Exclaims Kyle Jones to the camera: ‘She’s gorgeous.’
Adding: ‘She absolutely has the look that I’m attracted to. She has the platinum hair, she has a great smile. She looks very pretty and very adventurous,’
For their first date, Kyle and Karen meet for dinner at a restaurant where deems her ‘sexy as hell’.
‘You looked great online, but you look incredible in person,’ he tells her.
When Kyle asks why Karen agreed to meet him, she says: ‘I look at all of these celebrity women that are going out with younger men and I thought maybe I should try it.’
She adds: ‘You seem to be intelligent – though I’m not going to say I necessarily agreed to come out with you because of your mind.’
Karen admits that she is nervous because Kyle is so much younger, but she’s excited to have a ‘brand new’ experience.
While Karen tells Kyle that she’s old enough to be Kyle’s mother – or even grandmother – Kyle calmly assures her: ‘You’re pretty enough to take home though.’
It isn’t too long before the pair head back to Kyle’s place, where they dance with and even share a steamy kiss.
‘The date with Karen was incredible. She was 100per cent my type,’ Kyle says afterward. Karen also says she had a ‘wonderful time’ with Kyle.
What do you think? Each to his own or is there a more underlying reason as to why Kyle Jones avoids dating women his age and sets his eyes on ‘silver foxes?”
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