Ismaaiyl Brinsley an African American man, also known as Bleau Barracuda has this afternoon shot dead two NYPD cops been as they sat in their marked police car near a Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn street corner in what authorities describe an execution style murder to avenge Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
Shakwura Dabre, Ismaaiyl Brinsley mother: ‘I’m deeply sorry to dead cop families.’
Wenjian Liu murdered cop was newly married. Rafael Ramos father of two.
Ismaaiyl Brinsley shooting: Does Mayor Bill de Blasio have blood on his hands?
Why did Ismaaiyl Brinsley shoot Shaneka Thompson his ex girlfriend?
Did Ismaaiyl Brinsley cop killer have a death wish? Attempted suicide before…
Did Ismaaiyl Brinsley kill on behalf of the Black Guerrilla Family?
The uniformed police men’s murders near the intersection of Myrtle and Tompkins Avenues would come at 2.50 pm as the gunman walked up to the men’s police car and proceeded to shoot them dead point blank from the passengers’s side with one of the officers hit in the head.
Told Deputy Chief Kim Royster via the nytimes: ‘It looks like they were shot in the upper body.’
‘The perp came out of the houses, walked up behind the car and lit them up.‘
The nypost would report that subsequent to the shooting the two police men were rushed to nearby Woodhull hospital where they would be confirmed dead.
The deceased officers would later be identified as Wenjian Liu and Raphael Ramos.
Witnesses would also tell seeing Ismaaiyl Brinsley fleeing into a nearby G subway station pursued by cops before inflicting a mortal gunshot wound to his head in front of horrified passengers.
Ominously Ismaaiyl Brinsley would post the following message (see directly above) on instagram just three hours before the carnage: ‘I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today,’
They take 1 of ours…Let’s take 2 of theirs #ShootThePolice #RIPEricGarner #RIPMikeBrown This may be the final post I’m putting pigs in a blanket.
That post would included an image of silver automatic handgun with a wooden handle (see above).
Another post (see below) showed camouflage pants and blue sneakers which matched the clothing the dead gunman was wearing as his body was carried from the scene on a stretcher.
Told the man’s cryptic post : Never had a hot gun on your waist and blood on your shoe …You ain’t been through what i been through you not like and I’m not like you #BrooklynGoHard #ConeyIsland
Prior to the murders, the man would also post the following via facebook: ‘I Always Wanted To Be Known For Doing Something Right……. But My Past Is Stalking Me And My Present Is Haunting Me.’
But it gets better.
Prior to this afternoon’s shooting, the suspect had earlier that morning gone to the home of a former girlfriend in the Baltimore area shooting and wounding her.
Police there said they noticed Brinsley posting to the woman’s Instagram account about a threat to New York officers. Baltimore-area officials sent a warning flier to New York City police, who received it around the time of the shooting.
A warning that would come too late as new tensions come to the fore in the continuing degenerative saga between police relations and the African American community/public at large….

I don’t like Chelsea supporters…no matter what colour they are (but that’s just me). But on the subject of origins, race and kill-happy funguys, here in England, people tend to get their knives out if your class rubs them up the wrong way. The sort of envy we tend to possess over here is comical, but yet murderous. And if you’re a mature, upper-class polite black person trying to make it in the media here – good God! Why do you think many shoot over to America to make it (with them being welcomed).
run the same damn statistics on any other race..Chinese kill chinese, whites kill the majority of whites and so on you dumb idiot..every race kills there own race more..now if this was 100 years ago..white people killed everybody but white people..what do you call that?
The ongoing assault on African American lives is from African Americans. Over 90% of African American homicides are committed by another African American.
So for every one African American killed by a non-African American, an African American kills nine fellow African Americans.
Black lives do matter, just not to other black lives.
Steady on…I’m part of that ‘European collective’ – who (thank goodness) still remains herein, and used to go out with a West Indian lass – she dumped me for someone the ‘same origin’ – and despite that, we’re still friends.
I think the bastard who shot the officers is not only a coward, but someone who you should be ashamed of. Notice how the dead cops are Latino and Oriental?
Merry Yuletide, from England.
NYPD and
the European collective in the USA are reaping what they sow. Black officers
that work for their institutions are culpable in the European collectives
ongoing assault on African American lives, especially the men. This incident sets
a precedent as to how to deal with Europeans or traitors who kill African men.