Home Pop Culture Paula Deen tells Matt Lauer she does not like niggers at all.

Paula Deen tells Matt Lauer she does not like niggers at all.

Paula Deen
Paula Deen reckons she’s not a racist. But do you believe her?

Paula Deen will never use the word nigger again. Suffers more losses.

Paula Deen’s apology means shit. Dropped yet again…

Did Paula Deen turn up drunk on the Today show?

In quite an excruciating interview, Paula Deen who has found her life turned upside down after complaints of racial discrimination finally turned up on the Today show (after bailing out on the show last week) where she attempted to defend her use of the n (nigger) word and overtures that she is a racist. Points of views which have since led to the food matriarch being dropped by the Food Network and other lucrative contracts.

Asked a tentative Matt Lauer, the show’s beleaguered head honcho this morning: “Are you here to stop the financial bleeding?” and “Given the circumstances would you have fired you?”

Paula Deen: “Would I have fired me? No.”

Then this:

Matt Lauer: “Are you a racist?”

Paula Deen: “No, I am not.”

Of course one wasn’t necessarily convinced that Lauer was buying into Deen’s teary eyed conjectures when at one point the food matriarch touches Lauer’s leg (around 5:37) and he remains perfectly still, as if he had just received a dinner invitation by a child molester.

Yet perhaps the most beguiling part of the interview dealt with Paula’s alleged use of the N-word. Deen goes on to deny that she has ever used the term except for a time when she was robbed at gun point.

Yet here’s where things became murky for Deen that ought to have us wondering if she is really having us on or better still herself on.

Asks Matt Lauer:  “Do you have any doubt in your mind that African-Americans are offended by the N-word?” 

Paula Deen: “I don’t know, Matt. I have asked myself that so many times, because it’s very distressing for me to go into my kitchens and I hear what these young people are calling each other. It’s very very distressing.”

And because I liked what jezebel had to say on the matter I’ll quote them directly:

Is this for real? This is such a bullshit argument. As a sixty-six year old woman she has to be fully aware of the power of the N-word, and also know that context is everything. What “young people” say to each other has nothing to do with the language she uses as a white woman in a powerful position as businesswoman and employer. But she continued to lay blame elsewhere:

For this problem to be worked on, these young people are gonna have to take control and start showing respect for each other and stop throwing that word at each other. It makes my skin crawl.

It makes my skin crawl when people think all-black servers at a plantation-style wedding sounds like an elegant idea. But that’s just me. Seriously, though. What the “young people” are saying is not the issue here. She’s being sued by someone who worked for her, and the allegations are being directed at her and her brother Bubba — not some wayward youths.

Nevertheless Deen is adamant that the world has misunderstood her and in her hearts of hearts she bears no malice to African Americans:

Explains Paula Deen: “I have apologized and I would never, never — with any intention hurt anybody on purpose. And I never would.

If there’s anyone out there that has never said something that they wish they could take back — if you’re out there, please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me. Please. I want to meet you. I is who I is and I’m not changing.

There’s someone evil out there that saw what I worked for and they wanted it.”

What do you think kids, sounds like Paula is pissed that she got caught using a nasty word which she may or may not be letting on that it reflects her opinions about African Americans. In her defense Paula Deen doesn’t have to like African American people (I’m betting that there are a lot of people who don’t like them and vice versa) but that’s besides the point. If you’re going to use your position of advantage and wide mobility to earn a dollar and to affect social attitudes and judgements you’re going to have to accept responsibility for your belief system, especially if you unabashedly put it out there. Perhaps Paula Deen may have been better to just have simply kept her disarming points of views to herself, not that she seems too capable…




  1. I have a black maid and she has NEVER stolen from us. so, take that yyou racists!

  2. Congo and…… Why did the filthy communist Nelson Mandela leave South Africa in such a sorry state? He did next to nothing to alleviate the unemployment or crime…

  3. Saying the word and believing it are two different things. If find it typical and funny that Liberals such as this are the always the most hate-filled bigots. Refusing to acknowledge others don’t subscribe to their brownshirt propaganda.
    And SOOOOO WHAT if Deen said such a thing? Stop giving this word power by calling it N-word… it’s “Nigger,” See, the world didn’t end… stop being emotional terrorists and leave this lady alone… She seems harmless enough and guess what, some black asshole was trying to extort her for money… grow a pair and lighten up, Francis…

  4. She said it in 1986 when one of your BROTHA’s stuck a gun in her face.

    You’re a stupid moron who is trying to tear down someone who has EMPLOYED MORE BLACK PEOPE than you could do in TEN LIFETIMES.

  5. Yeah, that may be true, homily man. If so, it’s just as true when NIGGERS and JEWS do it, but it never seems to “count” when they do it. This double standard is pure social poison. Why don’t you pontificate about THAT.

  6. ↑ ↑ ↑ There it is right there, White Man. This is why you need to aim mini-guns at all these congoids and force them onto ships bound for Africa TODAY.

  7. Of course she’s “racist.”

    Of course she doesn’t like all these quasi-human baboons out of Africa swinging around on vines all over HER country, hallucinating that they’re “equal.” Oh, they’re “equal,” all right—equal to a white person with a HEAD INJURY.

    Of course she feels this way. Every GENUINE EUROPEAN with a mind and soul of their own to think and feel with feels this way.

    The problem with all you quasi-“white” quasi-“American” libtards is you’ve all been brainwashed from birth to think exactly like JEWS (the world heavyweight champeen racists AND HYPOCRITES of all time), but you don’t even have the humanity to figure THIS out.


  9. Black people please wake up and realize you are dealing with a sick people. You cant tell me integration has been beneficial for our people. We were better off on almost every level, before entering their schools, their stores, wanting everything they had. We never needed integration with a people who have committed more atrocities than any other on record. We were able to build our own schools and create successful communities without them. Google “Black Wallstreet”, for example, or hell, look at our earliest greatness, the Pyramids of Giza and its civilization. They would have you believe Blacks and Muslims are the most violent people. That’s the craziest thing ever said. There is a reason there was a Roman and British Empires and they didn’t acquire their power by peaceful means. They have a bloodlust like no other. Do the math, count the lives lost in all wars started by Whites/Europeans. What has happened is Blacks have learned to be the worst by integrating with the best and being worst history has ever known. All the violence to take this country and gain power made it into the psychology of our people, along with immoral and unethical behavior. I challenge anyone to show me we were like this “before” Whites came along.

  10. I don’t love anything that was stolen and acquired via force, rape and murder. There is a law is being called an accessory to a crime and anyone who knowingly seeks to benefit from ill-gotten gains, is an accessory. Second, God doesn’t give a damn about your flag, and He is who I care about judging me. You and your kind have basically ruined the world and if you weren’t so stupid you would understand why everybody doesn’t look at White America as a savior. Ask the Native American that was almost wiped out or the Natives of the islands Columbus landed on, or ask the any nation Whites eventually colonized or even visited. You are what your are and your continue to be so. Hundreds of years of screwing people up physically and psychologically and you clowns run your stupid mouths. I pray that Blacks and the rest of the world, someday see how wrong Martin Luther King and his like were and still are. No sane person seeks to integrate with the worst people in the history of humankind.

  11. Imagine that, I think my ancestors were saying something similar for hundreds of years about Whites. Thousands if you count back to the Roman and British Empires. Idiot.

  12. Shut the hell up you nasty vile white devil bastards!I hope I haven’t offended you saying what I just said afterall it’s just namecalling right??

  13. That nigger Lil Wayne Tramples an American Flag and keeps his record label… yet you all got hate for this old woman from the south? Please.

  14. Lol…..we buy hip hop recordings all day with this crap in it…..no one cares. All hypocrites…

  15. You don’t get to decide the linguistics of a culture from the outside. That happens organically from within and is the same in all cultures and linguistic patterns.

  16. Racism endangers many. It divides and gives rise to complicit support of actions that disintegrate societies through harmful discrimination.

  17. Well everybody will stop saying the n word when all of the black people stop throwing it out there, they get mad when we do it but they don’t when they say it…. Those people who get mad are looking for something to get mad about. Exspecailly since they can call us whatever they want and never will get in trouble.

  18. LOL @ Matt Lauer, “Most Offensive word to Blacks”…more like most offensive word to blacks used by white people…Blacks people used that to other black people all the time…

  19. I’m sure being black in a country that throws every benefit it can at you just because of your skin color is a real bitch to deal with. Here’s a challenge white America: go into ANY black neighborhood in this country (Ghetto or glamour) and see how many american flags you see flyin’. They don’t love this country because they simply don’t feel like it is there’s and they are right for the most part, however, they don’t want to go back to Africa either because it’s a goddamn shit hole. So since I’m in a situation I don’t want to be in I’ll just take advantage of the unwarranted sympathy I get. The blacks who dealt with real racism in this country many years ago did not deserve to be treated that way..we get it. But these modern day blacks (not all but a good portion) do not have a legitimate argument of racism in this country. This bitch got a good woman with a positive role in society fired because she said NIGGER in her presence. not called her a NIGGER but said it in conversation! Paula gave a lot to charity and even cooked for the homeless on several occassions. I’d be willing to bet the bitch that got her fired hasn’t done shit her whole life but hold her fuckin hand out because her momma told her she was “owed” it. It is gonna be a dark day when whites in this country get tired of this type of shit and quit having succumbing to the plight of the “black struggle” due to public image! Any excuse gets old when u hear it enough!!

  20. I’m sure being black in a country that throws every benefit it can at you just because of your skin color is a real bitch to deal with. Here’s a challenge white America: go into ANY black neighborhood in this country (Ghetto or glamour) and see how many american flags you see flyin’. They don’t love this country because they simply don’t feel like it is there’s and they are right for the most part, however, they don’t want to go back to Africa either because it’s a goddamn shit hole. So since I’m in a situation I don’t want to be in I’ll just take advantage of the unwarranted sympathy I get. The blacks who dealt with real racism in this country many years ago did not deserve to be treated that way..we get it. But these modern day blacks (not all but a good portion) do not have a legitimate argument of racism in this country. This bitch got a good woman with a positive role in society fired because she said NIGGER in her presence. not called her a NIGGER but said it in conversation! Paula gave a lot to charity and even cooked for the homeless on several occassions. I’d be willing to bet the bitch that got her fired hasn’t done shit her whole life but hold her fuckin hand out because her momma told her she was “owed” it. It is gonna be a dark day when whites in this country get tired of this type of shit and quit having succumbing to the plight of the “black struggle” due to public image! Any excuse gets old when u hear it enough!!

  21. I’m so fucking tired of the “African American” struggle it makes me sick to my very core.

  22. I don’t have a rock to throw at her head but I do happen to have this nice big honey ham…..oh….someone already beat me to it.

  23. You guys have a bit too much fucking time on your hands to be bitching about this shit. An old woman from the south is racist? Surprise, surprise. She isn’t endangering anyone, if people dislike her show because of her alleged racism, they could just change the channel and grow the fuck up.

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