Round 40 million of “I don’t really like you but the money is too good to pass up so let’s continue this charade anyway….’
Looks like the fairy tale existence called this ‘is my make believe marriage for the camera crews’ is about to implode as insiders are now revealing that tensions between America’s preferred media whores the Kardashians have once again come to a full bore.
Apparently tensions have been simmering between Kris Jenner (from here on known as ‘pimp momma’) and that of her hubby, Bruce Jenner (from here known as her ‘pretty pet’) for a while now as reports point out ‘pretty pet’s’ exasperation at always being in the limelight with pimp momma being unable to continue convincing ‘pretty pet’ that it’s all good for the family franchise.
radaronline: “Everything is great, we feel very blessed as a family,” the momager recently said in response to rumors that divorce was looming. However, according to Star, Bruce is currently in the process of moving himself and their two youngest daughters, Kylie, 15, and Kendall, 17, out of the family home.
“Kylie and Kendall broke down crying to Bruce,” an insider close to the family told Star magazine — going on to claim that there’s tension in the family over fears that Kris has been putting the teenage girls’ burgeoning careers ahead of their childhood.
Nah. Really? Pimp momma? But she’s just trying to make sure everyone gets to live the American media whore dream.
And the scripted fight continues (c’mon kids, surely you don’t really believe that this too isn’t just another clever scam to get you to shed sacred tears for pimp momma and pretty pet?): According to Star, following a huge fight with Kris over the girls, Bruce not only stormed out of the family’s home in Calabasas, CA., but he’s now currently looking for somewhere new to live. Surprisingly, according to Star, cheering in his corner of the ring are stepchildren Kourtney, Khloe and Robert, who want to protect the youngest members of the family.
Aren’t you glad you can turn off on your own dysfunctional family life and watch others beat each other up to a pulp, even if you know all that golden confetti is all make believe too…?