And this is really how ignorant, racist and mean spirited some people are in America after all…
What to think, what to say? It seems one Californian woman has gotten herself in a spot of bother after going on a Facebook status update yesterday in which she called on for the assassination of President Barack Obama, but not before also referring to him as a ‘nigger’ as well.
For her stupidity troubles Denise Helms has suddenly now found herself the attention of the Secret Service (did you think otherwise), as well as of course FOX news who can always smell a good controversial story the way you and I can smell cookies simmering in the oven.
Relenting somewhat 22 year old Denise Helms of Turlock tells FOX that perhaps the assassination part may have been a bit harsh but everything else stood firm.
“I’m not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means,”
And here’s the part where my skim latte shot out of my nostrils:
“But if it was to happen, I don’t think I’d care one bit.”
Helms then goes on to inexplicably deny she’s a racist just cause she used the word nigger. Cause that’s a word that’s probably thrown at the deli boy all day long so of course that shit long lost its racist overtures. Right?
Continued Helms in a follow up post (I know when you have the world listening to your batshit who can stop?) on Facebook:
“Apparently a lot of people in Sacramento think I’m crazy and racist. “WOW is all I got to say!! I’m not racist and I’m not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!”
See everyone, Denise isn’t racist. She’s just assertive and likes to use degenerative language loaded with hate and vilification to get her points across. As for the assassination part that was probably just her clumsy way of saying she wishes that bixch Obama magically disappeared.
But in case you think it’s just the world ganging up on Denise comes her former employer, Turlock Cold Stone Creamery store director Chris Kegle who reckons he had to fire Denise cause that bixch wants to distance himself from this dipshit on account of her bad attitude.
“We found her comments to be very disgusting, and they do not reflect our opinions here.”
Hmm, see it never works to have thoughts that are unpalatable and if you are going to have them best be discreet or risk being fired rightly or wrongly (yes I know the irony is amazing, she gets fired for begin a racist and he gets to be a fascist employer cause he didn’t care for an opinion his employee had away from work).
At present the Secret Service Barack Obama are(is) pouring over Denise’s comments on Facebook as well as those by other Facebook users.
Isn’t it time you went on an idiotic hate filled rant quietly expressing your opinions too?
And there were these comments from readers over at gawkerthat caught my attention as well:
So she honestly does not understand why using the word ‘nigger’ as a noun is racist?
I’m not sure whether to think she is completely brainwashed and ignorant or just proud of her hateful nature. I’m also confused as to why white people in this country continue to believe that expressing threats against the President’s life is protected free speech.
She is an American. And as such has the right to say whatever the hell she wants, regardless of whether or not any of you agree with it. If you don’t like it, don’t read it, watch it, listen to it or acknowledge it.
She was fired for THIS?! This is a violation of the first amendment! You people should be ashamed for bashing this woman simply because she expressed her opinions!
What’s with the crossing out? Am I missing something cute that this website does? This woman carried this too far. Sometimes what you believe just has to be kept to yourself.
Her personal opinion should have no impact on her job. Unfortunately, there was probably pressure put on whoever to fire her. If I was her, I would seek an Attorney. It is a sad day when someone can’t express their opinion without being prosecuted. I guess freedom of speech only applies to certain races and color. Racial comments and crimes are made by every nationality, every day!
No, employees have more rights. They can quit for any reason, including gender, age, pregnancy, and health; while firing is limited by law.
Coldstone is an “at will” employer. That means that you can be fired at any time for any reason with no notice (and you can also quit for any time for any reason with no notice). This lady did not have a contract that guarantees employment: rightly, or wrongly, firing her was perfectly legal.
That said, I don’t know why anyone would be so dumb as to mention assassination. Detestable as I find it, saying the “n-word” is not illegal. Encouraging people to assassinate the president it illegal. Period.
Bull-hockey! She certainly has a right to her opinion. I have just as much right to voice mine. I think she’s an ignorant, adolescent, racist, bitch. Just my opinion though.
I forgot a few other reasons one cannot be terminated from a job in the US. Gender, age, pregnancy and health issues (within certain bounds). But one can be lawfully terminated for being thought to be homosexual. In general the rights are on the side of the employer, barring contracts stating otherwise.
No, “Kat1e1”, our First Amendment does not require that anyone else accept what is said. It merely protects one from being silenced beforehand by the government, in the narrowest sense. One cannot be prosecuted for expressing opinions. There are exceptions, of course. The cliche here is that one cannot shout “Fire!” in a crowded theatre (unless there really is a fire), and one cannot advocate unlawful (particularly violent) things. There is a gray area there.
But that merely protects one from the government. Unless one is a member of a union and has a contract that specifies terms of severance, and only about 7% of Americans are in unions today, an employer can terminate anyone at any time for any reason, except for clearly defined protected classes of people (you can’t be terminated because of your race or religion).
For the most part these issues are not regulated. If you are terminated for making statements like this, you may be able to collect Unemployment Insurance compensation, but that’s no sure thing either. Most employers automatically file objections to every claim no matter why the employee was let go, as then the matter must be decided by claims adjudicators, who usually rule in favor of employers in disputed cases.
In this situation, this woman appears to have been lawfully terminated, with cause, and will be unlikely to collect Unemployment Compensation payments. She hasn’t got a leg to stand on.
This wasn’t just an “opinion” and I do not believe it is a violation of her rights. I heard of another case where somebody was fired for cyber-bullying on some website because some offended person looked them up and reported the incident to their boss. The internet does not exist for you to make mean and slanderous comments from behind a mask of anonymity. Free speech only goes so far– A call to action for somebody to kill a world leader, while calling him something slanderous, is VERY worthy of being fired. Would you want that person working for you?
Sadly there is no cure for stupidity
Hateful person.
Question from a non-American: does the right to free speech mean that everyone else (ie the employer) has an obligation to accept what is said? Because I would have thought that the employer also has a right to decide whether a person should or shouldn’t be employed by them on the basis of whether that person could damage the company’s image. But then I’m not American and don’t understand how far your ‘free speech’ right extends….
I’m glad she lost her job. No one should wish death upon anyone.