Katherine Jackson may now forfeit $70 000 a month in perks.
Who kidnapped Katherine Jackson? Guardian ruling are lies and returns home to Paris Jackson
Randy Jackson goes on twitter and insists Michael Jackson’s, his brother’s will is fake.
Jackson family fued: Did Janet Jackson actually strike Paris Jackson?
Paris Jackson will one day learn how to properly play this game too…
It seems it’s not enough just to privately apologize when you are a member of the Jackson clan you are also forced to go public with your apology that way the public is at all times forever kept in the loop of your dirty laundry after you have decided to air it out in the first place.
By now having helped cause a scene that led to widespread public humiliation of the Jackson family when 14 year old daughter Paris Jackson took to twitter demanding answers (and by proxy their head) as to the suddenly missing where abouts of her grandmother and immediate guardian, the Jackson clan suddenly have had to regroup and recalibrate their once again falling out of control public image.
So while Paris may privately believe that there is ‘something terribly off’ (and there is of course) she has been forced for the sake of public image and continued hegemony of her father’s legacy to suck it up and pretend that them (Janet Jackson) bixches at control center didn’t do anything stupid or irresponsible that led to her little princess freaking out.
Tweeted Paris:
“A lot of ppl have been saying that i ‘changed’ …i wanna apologise for the attitude,” Paris later wrote on Twitter.
“There’s just a lot going on… i promise: the ego = gone.”
Never mind, it’s just another day at the money press machine…
Janet is married to a billionaire. I doubt she wants the kids’ money.
Logic you have none! Janets always been a bitch! Ive loved MJ since i was 9yrs and now im 52yrs MJ kept his kids away from his greedy family for a reason,the problem is the jackson thought they was slick and tried to force those kids in the vans but they refused ,janets just mad because theirs a new sherrif in town and shes younger,prettier, richer and smarter then her old crusty ass! Hang in there MJ3 the media knows what those dame jackson been up to since your beautiful daddy passed away! Michael was smart the way he sat up MJ3 will R.I.P ANGELyour true fans like me are watching! so jacksons go get jobs and leave those kids money alone! oh yeah and janet lol! your turn to use your money to support the rest of thse vultures ,The MJ cash cow is all dried up! lol! everythings goes to his kids!
It’s sad to see father,brothers and sisters fighting over a brother’s money.Dont they know that the money is for the kids?
Paris is more grown up than the adults around her and she has learned the hard way After the nasty attacks MJs siblings have been making, and the court battles, the attempts to gain control of the money, the scrum at the children’s home, and the curious total lack of appreciation for the excellent job done by the executors, no court would ever hand over guardianship of the kids to anyone without the kids’ consent, and no one would ever put a Jackson other than the kids themselves in charge of handling their estate.
More celebrity or famous bs. There are vultures out there waiting to get a grasp on these kids. I’d rather it be family than unknowns. The girl is 14 and needs to hold her tongue and her Tweet.. Grandmom is elderly so must have have some health issues and may have needed a rest. When you were young did you know all the adult business? The entire family needs to have a moment and get it together
i’m glad paris has enough sense to stand up for herself. she’s human too and has rights like anyone else. i’m surprised she has not petition the courts to have her declared legal to take care of herself and brothers. prince will be sixteen next year! bottom line, the jacksons know thier time is running out for getting these kids inheritance. in four years, the older two will be grown and can get custody of thier little brother. so, that’s why they are acting that way. THEY ARE STILL PISSED THAT THEY WILL NOT GET ONE DAMN OF MJS MONEY TOO. I MEAN, MAYBE THEY SHOULD HAVE SAVED UP FROM THE VICTORY TOUR. mj has always spoken out how he was treated as a child, so i don’t see why his daugther shouldn’t do the same. she is her father’s daughter
How can you call Paris a spoiled little bitch, and in the same comment say “NONE OF US knows the full story”. Totally contradictory and totally wrong.
Like you said, we don’t know the full strory, to me it just seems like a total chaotic mess of mixed information, one person saying this another person saying something else, and nothing seems to add up. For all we know, Janet might be a total Bitch and may actually be after Michael’s money, but we just don’t know so it would be wrong to say whos wrong or who’s right.
Someone from the Jackson family inner circle probably deleted Prince and Paris’ original tweets because they didn’t want the truth exposed. Good move on the kids part. A lot of people are after Michael’s money and the kids are catching on quicker than anyone thought.
this has just been a crazy mess. Ok this girl is 14!!!! 14 people she does not nor does the rest of the kids get to run or rule the house. Because they are exactly just that KIDS. this is the problem with kids today no respect for those who came before them.
People please get off of the media’s TIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
UNLIKE those kids the rest of the Jackson family is private trying to keep this mess in where it should be. KEPT IN THE FAMILY and away from prying eyes that only make it worse.
they know drama and they are not trying to be in the middle of it. yet you notice its only the now wild and crazy children that are making public displays of their everlasting tantrum.
Katherine Jackson is sick and for all we know this woman is dying or reaching the end of her life. Or maybe she needs a damn break from kids who if they behave like this in public imagine how they behave behind closed doors.
Everyone has to stop feeding into this story and notice they are children and NONE OF US knows the full story and NO ONE knows what is really happening behind closed doors. except in the eyes of CHILDREN
So stop people please stop getting your news from CHILDREN.
This has to just be killing Katherine that her family is divided like this.
In my view Paris is a spoiled little BITCH
Haha…The money press machine…Classic! Gotta love it! Tell it like it is grl!
you are all stupid.
Those poor children. Can you imagine being in the middle of inheriting all that money and around so many family members that PROBABLY just don’t think they don’t deserve it. I just hope they don’t tear those children to shreds. It’s not their fault, they were among the chosen few. God bless the children. You see what happens when Katherine is away for only a week. Can you imagine what the family would do to those children if she was not around at all??
She needs to have those children back.
Paris is young she don’t understand how things work but i can a sure you that the Jackson will teach her in order for her to deal with this business . like every young teen, we make mistakes . her feelings,emotion and love for her grandmother got the best of her so she tweets not knowing the media love dram and cant wait to live off your every words lying and twisting everything you say to sell there story,and making people be leave its true .