Justin Bieber is on a mission to convince you he is no longer a tween…
Since Justin Bieber arrived on the set of popular culture just over 4 years ago his metamorphosis from Canadian cutesy to razor sharp lady killer capable of starting mini fist fights for his love has been unparalleled save for 19 year old Miley Cyrus who’s meteoric rise can be traced back to her father, popular singer Billy Ray Cyrus.
That said it seems the young man’s handlers are keen now to reposition the money machine that he is from cute teenager to that of a young man in touch with his masculinity. Having recently turned 18 and following in the steps of another famous child performer (Lindsay Lohan before she became a crack head mess ) Justin Bieber is now being positioned on the cover of Rolling Stone’s cover as ‘hot ready legal.’
Having already appeared in Rolling Stone, his August cover (which ominously recycles the Hot Ready Legal cover used for Lindsay Lohan some 8 years ago when she turned 18) is a not so subtle attempt to muster attention that the singer is no longer a boy and in constant need of his parents and handlers. That is to say is Justin Bieber now at the age of consent that even us adults can finally take seriously and not be embarrassed should we admit we have a thing for the young star? Translated this can only mean more dollars down the line.
s now at the age of consent that even us adults can now take seriously and not be embarrassed should we admit we have a thing for the young star. Translated this can only mean more dollars down the line.
The mag hits newsstands this Friday, July 20 where you can read all about how the biebs has come to terms with all growing up and other masculine themes…