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The Whore of New York


What equates to a whore? Who can rightfully cast this title upon others? After  simple little girl with a simple little job decreed this title upon me, I began to take stock. What’s so bad about being the Whore of New York? The name was catchy, and it was bestowed on me for sleeping with models… I figured if you had to be branded, this wasn’t a bad way to go?

So who is this girl and why is she obsessed with me? Indulge me as I provide you the backstory:

A girl I went to college with moved up to New York thinking it was the promised land. Upon first arrival, she began to taste the sweet fruits of the city (these sweet fruits of course being the beautiful model boys). Of course, after a few months of tasting, she decided on the one that she would like as a meal. I was friends with this model and continued being friends with him unaware that this was taboo seeing as we weren’t in middle school. One completely harmless text message from me to him resulted in a barrage of texts from her to me, and my new title as The Whore of New York was born.

After a couple of sources informing me of my new name began to really think about my little situation. Some of these sources had come from as far as three states away so I knew if I were to save my name… but I found myself unable to care – about her, about the title and about the situation at hand.

My only problem was credibility. I had had a serious boyfriend for over a year to whom I was faultlessly faithful to. Before that, while approached by many (shameless vain plug), I had only fraternized with one beautiful model (who I still give myself a mental high five about). If someone were to approach me to verify my title, I would be shown for what I was… a simple prudish girl with some crazy girl who wanted to skin me, make a Dara mask, and live vicariously through me so she could enjoy my model conquests.

I never understand women. Why can’t we all get along, share juicy stories about who was a good time, and all take a dip in the model pool. This is the land of the beautiful, unemployed model waiting to attend to your needs. There is more than plenty to go around and I for one wasn’t enjoying more than my ration. Alas, branding someone a whore seems like unadulterated jealously (because let’s be honest, who wouldn’t smear their good name for a romp with a sweet, tender little thing).

But then again, maybe times have changed. I am off the market and have been for a while so perhaps I don’t understand the trials and tribulations of the modern girl and her model pursuits.