Home Fashion The Offifcial Preppy Guidebook. How to survive as one…

The Offifcial Preppy Guidebook. How to survive as one…


Does this remind you of you? We think it does....

Of course a prep is not a true prep unless they have the right career. There is a long list of accepted and not acceptable jobs for the prep. Looking like a prep can only go so far… Once again, many of them are certainly unexpected, with jobs like Alumni Director right alongside dog walker (to allow even the prep drop outs access to suitable employment). Ski Bum, vineyard owner, senator. The list goes on encompassing any waspy, prep-minded individual no matter the point in his or her life. Unacceptable job- anything involving grime, the trades, lorry driver, tabloid writer (we imagine writing poems and NY Times best sellers is permissible) and plastic surgeons (a true preppy must be either a heart or brain surgeon).

The second, updated edition of the “Preppy Handbook” (a.k.a. “True Prep”), is a style handbook for, you guessed it; white, upper class, boat-loving New Englanders. For those of us dying to make our way into the polo/plaid ranks of the preps, this book tells it all; from dress code to acceptable jobs and habits. So whether you’re going up to the Hamptons this weekend, out on a sailing trip with that girl from Connecticut you met the other day or trying to blend in and gather top-level information for your country of origin, the True Prep is your espionage handbook. Just remember to lie if you don’t happen to own a blue blazer or happen to pursue the unthinkable, the prep will soon have you dressing you in tennis whites and driving up to Vermont come fall…

The prep in a bygone era...



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