PRIVATE MOMENTS-Desperate Housewives opened Thursday night with the support of Art Fund Now in the West Village gallery Chair and Maiden. The photos are essentially outtake of one housewife in particular Eva Longoria Parker and her on screen husband Ricardo Antonio Chavira. The crowed room was filled with admirers, framers and friends sipping bubbles. Gregory Costanzo the photographer is very fond of shooting in 35 mm and his zeal for the medium and unique access he has to the stars of The Desperate Housewives are the legs of the show.
Costanzo also often shoots commercially in digital and wants to display how well 35mm black and white capture another texture that one doesn’t find in digital. He praises the International Center for Photography for there work exchange for darkroom time and classes for his obvious adeptness in the darkroom, back 10 years ago when the photographer was just starting out he used the resource often.
The photographs are perfectly printed and presented with a sharp delivery in Chair and Maiden’s small gallery space. One banner work dominates the one wall its Eva Longoria Parker in her makeup chair with a crew of six people buzzing around her primping an already perfect Gabrielle Solis, Eva’s alter ego on the show.