Home Nightlife Scores’ 1st Birthday, featuring 25 of the most Bombshell Dancers, ever!

Scores’ 1st Birthday, featuring 25 of the most Bombshell Dancers, ever!


“I’m the newest stripper,” she replied.

“Oh, how cool. It amazes me that you make more money than I do, with an IV league graduate school education, I joked; she liked it, laughed.

“Yeah, I love my job. I meet all sorts of people. Every once in a while there’s a bad apple that ruins it for the rest of us, but we’re strippers, here to entice; we are not prostitutes.”

“Good,” I said.

Remarkable lighting and mixed media effects illuminated the center proscenium stage; enclosed by several large television flat screens, secondary exotic dancers situated under light beams accompanied the primary spectacle. The performances were one of a kind, Burlesque and edgy though the top 40 music seemed to ruin the fantastically engineered dances. Headliners were well- rehearsed and enticed men, effectively.

Tipsy, I enjoyed the lights—hated the top 40 beats, but enjoyed the breasts:

So, are you here to look at ass or get ass,” I asked fellow viewer ‘Zack’.

“Well I’m always looking to get ass…. But I’m here to have a good time,” he replied.



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