Home Pop Culture The Man I wish I was. An interview with Kharis Kennedy.

The Man I wish I was. An interview with Kharis Kennedy.

Sarah Maple- You. 2007.

Invited to come along last Thursday to Kharis Kennedy’s curated show – ‘The man I wish I was,’ at the A.I.R gallery in Brooklyn I went curious as to what the evening would possibly hold. All I knew was that the exhibit would be concentrating on feministic themes and the interpretation of gender in a society capitulated with myopic gender intonations.

What followed was one of the more lively and provocative exhibits we here at Scallywag and Vagabond have attended in a while. Having said that I returned home and set out to deliberate on some intelligent questions that hopefully would honor the clever and at times very humorous exhibit at hand.

Although currently playing at A.I.R in Dumbo, Brooklyn (until the 31st of January) it seems that Kharis Kennedy has been able to strike a chord with other entities and is currently in negotiations to move the exhibitg to X- Initiative later this month. We trust you the reader will find the questions compelling and the responses even more compelling.


Kharis and Court
Court and Kharis Kennedy.

SCV: What compelled you to curate this particular show? What were you specifically looking to explore?

KK: In the interest of full feminine disclosure I should confess that I never set out with the intent to curate a “feminist” exhibit…in fact up until relatively recently if someone had driven by and yelled “feminist” at me out the car window my initial reaction would have probably been to swivel around to try to get an eyeful of this mythical F creature for myself.  Those F terms carry heavy connotations and survival of the fittest demands that the savy lady never self-marginalize – my instinct was to distance myself.