Home Pop Culture Can anyone find me a wife? The dilemma of ugly men.

Can anyone find me a wife? The dilemma of ugly men.


Despite the setbacks, however, Mr Gutierrez remains hopeful his latest idea will help him finally find the woman to complete him.

‘Most people probably think I’m an epic loser for trying to find a wife like this,’ he writes. ‘not to mention, I don’t have much to offer a woman in regards to money, looks or a career.

But it soon dawns on you after you put away Mr Gutierrez’ s blog away, he’s unlikely to find love, or a woman, because as much as we wish it didn’t have to be- most women have a problem falling in love with a man well past his prime into his middle age with no money, looks or career. Which makes this author wonder, can we really fault a woman for nurturing their evolutionary demands for the fittest or the society at large that has discarded men like Mr Gutierrez, who at least to his credit is incredibly funny and brave?

Let’s hope some woman grants him his wish soon…



  1. Hit the gym for about 2 years (if you already do, step your workout game up big time), get a wax, then tan. If you build it, they will come.

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