Home Pop Culture Gasland: Light my (water on) fire…

Gasland: Light my (water on) fire…

Photo by Britt Kubatt. Josh Fox and Mark Ruffalo.

There are certain things you can no longer afford to ignore. In the movie Gasland, opening today at the IFC, Josh Fox awakens you to more than a few of these – and hopes you’ll spread the word to everyone you know.

ATTENTION! If you happen to be one of those 5-second-attention-span creatures of the 21st century, if I cannot count on you to click your way through each one of the pages of this article, I only have but a few words for you: SEE THIS MOVIE NOW. Go to the IFC, google it, facebook it, tweet the bejesus out of it, inform your friends, your family, your arch-enemies (this is the one instance where even they can prove to be of some use). And if you have five minutes to spare after you’re done with that first step, drop a line to Sheldon Silver, to your congressman or lady, your assembly person, to any of the elected officials in your area and tell them you care about a closer examination of the consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing before it is allowed to put your drinking water at risk. Code name is “I support the NYS Gas Drilling Moratorium”. That’s it.

Now, if you’ve been training your brain in the dutiful exercise of sustained effort, focus and attention or if SEVEN minutes is what you have on your hands before you resume your daily time-wasting activities, read on.




    For tix or info:
    The Arsenal Gallery, Central Park, 64th Street and Fifth Avenue
    Reception to follow.
    R.S.V.P. required. Call 212.360.1324,

  2. This is an amazing documentary and so important for everyone to watch. we have to protect our water and our land!

    thanks for running this story.

  3. I live in Pittsburgh. Before the media got hold of the story, back in early August, we knew we were being monitored by Pennsylvania’s Homeland Security. I am proud beyond words to say that not one of the dear people who’ve stood with me (at countless community meetings and protests, etc.) backed down. Sure, several expressed a bit of trepidation, but they kept getting up off the couch & going to make their voices heard.

    We’re planning a Marcellus protest on November 3 in Pittsburgh, everyone’s invited, more info, go here: marcellusprotest.org

    Thank you Josh for getting us up off the couch.

  4. Josh Fox will be on the Keith Olbermann show on Monday night talking about how Homeland Security was spying on gas drilling activsts at GASLAND screenings and giving their names to pro-drilling organizations.

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