Dillon McCormick 90 year old veteran working at Louisiana grocery store to retire after $222K GoFundme fundraiser started by former New Orleans news anchor Karen Swensen who noticed the man pushing grocery carts under the hot sun.
What about all the other retirees forced to still work to make ends meet…?
A 90 year old former United States Air Force (USAF) veteran who needed to work at a New Orleans grocery store to make ends meet will now officially retire after a GoFundme fundraiser launched by a local TV personality led to more than $222,000 raised.
News of Dillon McCormick’s predicament made the rounds after former Louisiana news anchor Karen Swensen came across the 90 year old pushing grocery carts at a Winn Dixie location in New Orleans on Monday, Memorial Day.
When retirees are forced to continue working to make ends meet
Noticing the man working in hot conditions, the journalist who used to work at WWL-TV struck up a conversation with the worker, where the former vet explained he needed to undertake the labor intensive job in order to survive.
The US Air Force veteran even acknowledged having to walk a mile to work because he doesn’t drive.
Moved by the man’s circumstances and grit, Swensen, started a fundraising push that instantly took off.
‘Mr. McCormick is working to EAT, he said. He needs $2500/month to live and says he only gets $1100 from social security,’ Swensen wrote on a fundraising page. ‘So he must push carts in triple digit heat to make ends meet.’
As of Thursday morning, more than $222,545 has been raised less than 3 days after the fundraiser being launched, allowing the man to retire and live out his days graciously.
Responded McCormick upon finding out about the mass donations, ‘I think it’s great,’
Adding, ‘At my age it’s probably a miracle.’
Swensen has since disabled new donations for the fundraiser and thanked everyone for contributing. Which is to wonder, what would have become of Dillion McCormick had Karen Swensen not arrived that day or simply looked the other way as the 90 year old shuffled grocery carts under the hot sun…?