Eden Polani Israeli model dating Leonardo DiCaprio Sexual Market Value rationale as social media condemns their relationship in latest coup for Hollywood heart throb.
The knives have come out once again for Hollywood actor & serial model dater (under the age of 25 of course) Leonardo DiCaprio following rumors that the heartthrob is now involved with Israeli model, Eden Polani, 19.
The new addition to the ‘model stable’ comes after DiCaprio, 48, split from his long-term model girlfriend Camila Morrone last summer, a few months after she turned 25.
Since then, our ‘collective hero’ has been spotted getting cosy with 27-year-old supermodel Gigi Hadid as well as with other younger models.
Hollywood superstar Leo has never publicly dated anyone over the age of 25 years old. The ‘dating strategy’ parallels the axiom as described by manosphere guru, Rollo Tomassi of the Rationale Male who espouses that a woman reaches her peak sexual market value circa 23, at the height of her youth, beauty, femininity and ability to give birth to healthy babies.
Where as a man’s peak sexual market value approaches close to 40 as his ability to procure assets, resources, wisdom and still ‘age like fine wine’ comes into play- a rationale that has led to many feminists livid, who believe a woman should be able to assert her femininity, beauty and independence and of course her own career – which doesn’t often come well into her mid 30’s. A point of time when many in the manosphere claim women begin hitting the wall. A dating strategy that Leo might be closely paying attention to?
Sexual dating strategy explored
Over the years, fans have been theorising that the Titanic actor breaks up with women when they reach their mid-twenties.
Needless to say, Dicaprio’s new rumored girlfriend has led to a slew of commentators sharing their take on the heartthrob’s ‘latest acquisition’.
Posted author, Caitlin Moran: ‘I feel like he has Titantic trauma. He’s dating women like he’s still the age he was when he shot it, and he’s ALWAYS on holiday on a yacht. Dude needs some EMDR.’
The tweet led to one commentator asking ‘what the crime is’ as they’re ‘both adults’.
‘No crime just a creepy pattern,’ the comedian responded. Do you suppose?
Posted another, ‘No, it’s clear that oldie Leonardo DiCaprio is a gigantic creep, who is unfairly taking advantage of a naive, unworldly, innocent girl. Normal fifty-year old men know better than to date a woman like this, and refrain from dating girls like Eden Polani.’
But who exactly is taking advantage of whom? Would Eden really be dating a 48 year old man ( 29 years her elder) if it wasn’t for his fame, fortune, resources and what he could potentially do for her career?
Leonardo DiCaprio smiles as he cosies up to Israeli model Eden Polani, 19, at a party in LA https://t.co/F93p0HyMvH
— Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) February 2, 2023
Defining sexual market value
Before he was seen with Eden, our collective hearth throb enjoyed a date with aspiring actress Victoria Lama, who was born in 1999. The actor was seen getting into a car with Victoria after leaving Hollywood hang out, The Birds Street Club, separately in December.
DiCaprio’s dating life has long being the butt of jokes, with comedienne Amy Schumer, mocking the actor during the Academy Awards last year.
Said Schumer at the time: ‘He’s done so much to fight climate change and leave behind a cleaner, greener planet… for his girlfriends.’
However, DiCaprio’s ex Kristen Zang – who dated him between 1995 to 1999 – defended him against the ‘ageist headlines and comments’ in People magazine.
She told in the op-ed piece how she had ‘outgrown that version of herself’.
As long as Leo continues to have the swagger, access to an bulging cache of resources, charm, keep the pounds off and his charm and wit in place – he is likely to continue dating his young stable of women under 25, to the consternation of many older women slighted that they are being passed over… for the newest hottest youngest femme fatale to enter the dating market.