Home Pop Culture Rick and Morty Season Five Episode Seven Has Leaked Early in Canada

Rick and Morty Season Five Episode Seven Has Leaked Early in Canada

Rick & Morty Season Five Episode Seven Leaks Early
Rick & Morty Season Five Episode Seven Leaks Early in Canada. Pictured, 'Adult Swim.'
Rick & Morty Season Five Episode Seven Leaks Early
Rick & Morty Season Five Episode Seven Leaks Early in Canada. Image via Adult Swim network.

Rick and Morty Season Five Episode Seven Leaks Early in Canada leading fans to wonder how much greater the Amazon Prime show can continue to get? 

After a streaming issue with Amazon Prime caused fans to miss episode four, Rick and Morty’s seventh episode from season five leaked early but only for Canadian viewers.

Season five of Rick and Morty has been attracting a lot of attention online. The hit show, which first began on Adult Swim back in 2013, is now one of the most popular online series and is available across a wide range of different streaming platforms. While the release of this season has mostly gone down well with fans, there have been some reports of streaming issues. An issue with Amazon Prime meant that some fans missed out on the premiere but were able to watch it later on. This has led to some fans writing complaints online, especially after being subjected to spoilers. 

For the seventh episode of this season, Canadian viewers of the show encountered a slightly different problem. The episode was leaked online earlier than scheduled, allowing fans to find out what happens before anyone else with some research. The latest season, which is presently showing on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim on Sunday evenings, delves deeper into more adult themes while also continually placing everyone’s favourite characters into increasingly bizarre settings and plots. 

Rick and Morty Season Five

This season, the show has also been graced by guest stars such as Jim Gaffigan and Alison Brie as Hoovy and Planetina. The inclusion of big guest stars shows just how far the series has come since it first appeared on our screens. Although it may not be for everyone, there’s little doubt that Rick and Morty has a huge impact on modern shows.

The current season is great for both long-time fans and newcomers to the show because each episode can be enjoyed on its own. Although there are still a lot of references to the universe created by the show, they’re mostly surface-level, so fans don’t need to go back and watch the previous seasons to understand what’s happening (although we recommend it). 

While Rick and Morty has used several recurring themes across the seasons, such as multiple versions of the Smith family interacting with one another and the impact connections can have on people, season 5 does not require previous seasons to understand the episodes. Previous seasons had included multiple recurring themes and characters where previous episodes and seasons interlinked, but so far, this doesn’t seem to be the case in season five. The season has so far been a hit with the majority of fans, but with the second half of the season yet to be released, it remains to be seen how it will go down. 


Episode Seven

Episode Seven of Rick and Morty season five titles “Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion,” was leaked early in Canada. Viewers first reported on Twitter that Amazon Prime had played a portion of the 7th episode, rather than the episode that was supposed to air, “Rickdependence Spray,” as originally planned.

The new episode appears to feature the Smith family forming a giant Transformer-style robot comprised of multiple smaller robots. The episode continues the show’s tradition of parodying 1980’s pop culture, as evidenced by characters like Scary Terry, Rick imitating Inspector Gadget. Amazon Prime will have been left red-faced by this error, particularly after the streaming service encountered issues with episode four as well. 

Amazon Prime is set on becoming the dominant streaming service and would have had to invest heavily to scoop up Rick and Morty from rival services. However, these issues could cause producers to think twice before working with the streaming giant in the future.