Are you being paid correctly? How to Win a Wage or Overtime Case. How to reconcile what you think you’re owed & what your boss actually paid.
Every day you dutifully go to work, perhaps you enjoy your job, or maybe you don’t but one thing for sure is that you go to work for money. You deserve to paid and paid properly for your hard work and if for some reason you are not being paid what you are owed and what you deserve then it can leave you feeling quite depressed and emotional, it can even make you feel like not returning to work at all which is no good for you or your employers, so before this happens it is time to get a resolution and solution to a problem before it gets escalated.
Raise The Issue With Your Employer
Being underpaid will leave you feeling frustrated, and it can also leave you feeling demotivated. If you are demotivated you will be unproductive and you will not feel like turning up for work let alone doing any work.
It is important to talk to your employer as a person. Keep it professional of course but make them aware of what you are feeling and why. An employer may not be aware that they have underpaid you so always approach them first. If on the other hand, they are aware they have underpaid you then letting them know how you feel will show them your side and it will show them that you are not a very happy employee. If your employer truly values you and your contribution to their workplace then they will want to keep you, and they will want to keep you as happy as they can. If they are very blase about the whole thing then you may need to get a bit more serious and start contacting a lawyer.
Get A Lawyer For Your Case
If it looks as though you will not be getting the favorable result you deserve out of your employer then it is time to take things further. Your employer might not be dealing with you, or even talking to you anymore and that is fine as now you are talking to a Nashville unpaid overtime lawyer who is going to work hard to get you results. Hiring a lawyer will relieve the stress and pressure you will be feeling and having a lawyer working for you will ensure that you get the best chance of success. If not then you know that they can escalate the process and take things further on your behalf.
Keep It Personal
There is no point talking to other work colleagues about your underpaid wages as this may stir up and cause more problems than you originally anticipated. If you go about spreading you have been underpaid then word will quickly get back to your employer who may not take lightly to the accusations you are throwing about (even if you know them to be true).

Keep A Log Of Hours You Have Worked
Even if you use an electronic sign-in system at work it is still important that you keep a physical log of all of the hours you have worked and of course when you work them. If you do not keep track of your hours then what position are you to dispute otherwise? To make life a little easier, set up a spreadsheet that can be altered and added to each day. Spreadsheets are quick and easy to use and you can make any changes easily.
Don’t Forget Overtime Worked Too
As well as writing down and logging your normal or standard working hours it is also important to keep track of overtime you have done. It may also be useful to work out how much overtime costs. For example, do you get an extra 16 or 20 dollars for working an extra 30 minutes or an hour? Try and keep a weekly log as this will be easy to manage and monitor. Overtime can quickly add up and if you don’t write down or keep track of extra hours when they happen then you will most definitely struggle to keep track.
No matter how much you earn or where you work you have to be responsible for making sure your wages are accurate. Nobody within your place of employment will keep checking and rechecking data and information submitted and because of this, it is important to ensure that you double, if not triple check every timesheet you submit or log. Taking charge of your situation will ensure that you do not get stung again and that your wages and overtime are always paid correctly in the future and moving forwards.