Colorado gas station Karen caught on video spitting at worker behind counter after asked she’s asked to wear face mask. Episode as filmed by Jillcattt @Jillcattt.
Here we go again. A woman has been caught on camera spitting at a Colorado gas station worker after the employee demanded the ‘middle aged’ white woman wear a face mask amid the ongoing coronavirus.
The ‘spitting incident’ is thought to have come about after the worker serving from behind a counter implored the un-identified customer to put on a mask. Instead the female shopper, since dubbed ‘Gas station Karen’ on social media lashes out before spitting onto the countertop, video shows.
The worker managed to keep calm and refused to service the lady and asked the customer behind her, who was filming the entire episode, to move to another cash register.
‘This is ridiculous! There’s no law that says I have to wear a face mask,’ the woman shouts.
‘Actually there is!’ the cashier responds to her comment as she proceeds to walk out of the shop.
I’ve been hearing about “Karen” but hadn’t been around one. I encountered one in the wild tonight and it blew my mind. She spit on an essential worker bc he enforced the rule of wear a mask. In response, she spit on him in. I wanted to cry pic.twitter.com/WxKMgvJvEp
— Jillcattt (@Jillcattt) June 28, 2020
‘This is ridiculous!’
Posted Twitter user Jillcattt who filmed the scene and had been standing behind Gas station Karen in line when the incident erupted, ‘I’ve been hearing about ‘Karen’ but hadn’t been around one. I encountered one in the wild tonight and it blew my mind. She spit on an essential worker bc he enforced the rule of wear a mask. I wanted to cry.’
‘This is ridiculous,’ the unidentified woman can be heard saying while leaving the store. ‘There’s no law that says you have to wear a mask.’
White privilege undone
Refusal by some to wear the face mask amid the general public health crises has become a symbolic show of defiance in claims that following best public safety standards is an affront to ‘liberty’. A point of honor that has seen President Donald Trump and many in the Republican branch downplaying the scourge’s existence and the ‘inconvenience’ of the public health calamity which as of Sunday has claimed over 128K lives in the U.S (yes folks, the numbers keep rising).
The un-named instigator goes on to join other ‘irritants’, usually middle aged white America woman (aka Karen) who have to come use the public arena to subject unwitting individuals to their strained version of reality and white privilege as Americans continue to deal with the fall out of COVID-19, a moribund economy and and full frontal civil breakdown amid racial tensions and the realization America is coming undone at the very core of its existential being.