Melinda Smith Rutherford High school parent responds to teacher’s WTF grading of son’s homework assignment. Un-named science teacher apologizes but did she really go too far?
A Florida science teacher has caused disconcert after comments she left while grading a student’s homework assignment– with the educator writing, ‘WTF is this?’ in a note at the top of one boy’s paper.
‘Absolutely no credit,’ the teacher added, according to WJHG.
Needless to say, the un-named Rutherford High School teacher’s ’grading technique’ didn’t exactly sit too well with the student’s mother- who has since called for the Bay County teacher to be punished and for the educator to issue an apology.
‘I think for sure she needs to be reprimanded,’ said Melinda Smith, whose son was not identified. ‘Just seeing ‘WTF what is this,’ you know, basically … that was very inappropriate and not acceptable for a teacher whatsoever.’
‘It’s basically what the f**k’ is this,’ the parent said via NBC 7.
While adding, ‘It wasn’t anything about not getting the credit, it was more so the language about what the writing to students, that was very inappropriate and not acceptable for a teacher whatsoever.’
Melinda Smith Rutherford High School parent: Perhaps her son ought to make a genuine effort in the future?
Officials at Rutherford HS, said they were taking steps to discipline the woman. To date they have refused to release the educator’s name.
‘Our HR has been involved and they’re currently investigating the situation,’ Rutherford principal Coy Pilson told WJHG.
He said he spoke with the teacher and discussed what type of classroom etiquette she needs to have going forward.
‘She was apologetic and it was a mistake on her part,’ Pilson explained. ‘All of the teachers at Rutherford High School are caring, loving teachers and we’re also human and so, we make mistakes, but we understand that we are called to a high professional standard and when we make mistakes, we try to correct those mistakes and move forward.’
While the educator reportedly was spoken to, it’s unclear if any other action was taken against her. Smith hopes there will be.
‘It wasn’t anything about not getting the credit, it was more so the language,’ said the upset mother. ‘I believe that something should be placed in her file.’
What do you think, did the un-named teacher go overboard and should she now be exposed and what punishment if any- ought to school officials dole out? Let’s hope the student in question gets better grades next time, albeit with a new found awareness of their own shortfalls….