12 year old, Christian County, Kentucky girl poisons 4 year old brother with Mr Clean cause she thought her mother didn’t love her anymore.
Talk about sibling rivalry. A 12 year old, Christian County, Kentucky girl has been charged with attempted murder after she poisoned her four year old step-brother with Mr. Clean in an attempt to ‘get rid of him’.
The incident happened in Oak Grove at a home in the 11200 block of Bell Station Road reported newschannel5.com
The girl’s mother called police after she found Skype messages between her daughter and a man in which she claimed to be poisoning her infant brother with Mr. Clean.
She told deputies that when she confronted her daughter, she admitted to poisoning her brother because she didn’t feel the mother loved her anymore.
A police report noted the younger child being sick recently, with the mother asking the 12 year old girl about it. Officials say the girl admitted putting the cleaner in the boy’s water and making him drink it to poison him because the mother loved him more.
However, when police questioned her, the 12 year old admitted to putting Mr. Clean in her brother’s water because ‘he was annoying her.’
The girl was placed under arrest and taken to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation. It will be up to a judge if she stays in evaluation or is moved to a jail.
The attempted poisoning led to the brother getting sick following ingesting the cleaning chemicals, but has since recovered.
12 year old Kentucky girl poisons 4 year old stepbrother: Who was she skyping and where was the mother in all this?
And then there were these responses on the web that made this author wonder, see what you think?
‘Why does a 12 year old have a Skype account ? Who’s the man in Texas ? So many questions.’
‘So we can charge a child for attempted murder but a parent leaves a child in a car and it’s an accident.’
‘At the age of 12 you know right from wrong or she has had no supervision by any decent parent. Where was the father?’
‘That’s more than just typical sibling jealousy… Sounds like the beginning of a psychopath or something.’
‘Psychopath: a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.’