Crystal and Arnold ‘Junior’ Perry: How did a West Virginia family end up being given the wrong baby at birth at Logan Regional Medical Center?
A family have told of their disbelief after having been given the wrong baby following the birth of their new born son at a West Virginia hospital.
At one point, parents, Crystal and Arnold ‘Junior’ Perry were given a child to hold as their own for up to two hours only to find out the baby boy in their arms wasn’t actually theirs.
The incident reports The Charleston Gazette-Mail occurred on June 12 after Crystal Perry gave birth to Dawson at Logan Regional Medical Center. The baby boy weighing in at 5 pounds and 13 ounces was Crystal’s fourth child, but her first with Junior.
According to the newborn’s grandmother, Barbara Colegrove, Junior Perry went to the nursery to get the baby. A nurse told the couple that the child bearing an ID card with the name Perry was theirs.
Explained Crystal Perry, ‘He went to the nursery and there [Dawson’s] basket was, laying in the same spot it had been. It said ‘Perry’ on the card, but nothing else was filled out on the card. Not the height, not the weight, it just said Perry’.
As the family delighted in what they believed to be their newborn baby, family snapped pictures and sent photos to friends and family, even posting some to social media.
After two hours had passed, a nurse returned asking Crystal Perry to read the armband number of the baby nestled in her arms only to find out she had been given the wrong child. It was later revealed that the family had been given the baby of someone else with the same last name.
Heather Perry believes her son Colton had been in the room for seconds (as opposed to hours) while maintaining it was an honest mistake.

Crystal Perry: Guarding against the potential for mix ups and taking home the wrong child.
Honest mistake or not, the incident left Crystal Perry rattled, with the mother saying she wants to warn others about potential mix-ups and safety protocols in hospitals. While neither family was discharged Thursday, she said it was a little too close for comfort, and she worries someone could have mistakenly taken her son.
‘I’ve had three other kids. Anytime I’ve been in the hospital, any single time that they bring your baby in, a nurse brings them in and they ask you to read your armband. Then, they check the baby’s armband, which is usually on their foot,’ she said. ‘That never happened one single time.’
‘We’ve tried to have a baby for seven years, and for something like that to almost happen? Like it was nothing,’ she said.
Crystal Perry and her son, Dawson were set to be discharged Friday.