A Meechaiel Khalil Criner high school newspaper interview reveals a troubled youth from a broken family and foster care aspiring to prevail and to help others.
A thread on the internet has revealed that Meechaiel Khalil Criner, the 17 year old suspect since charged with the murder of University of Texas student, Haruka Weiser giving an interview with a local Austin, Texas high school newspaper.
In an article titled ‘Voice of Hope: Sophomore finds determination to help others despite traumatizing past,’ the youth is described as a young man who has fought valiantly to overcome his brutal reality.
The article tells of the youth having been bullied, with Meechaiel Khalil Criner conceding, ‘I’ve been bullied my whole life’
Adding: ‘In elementary school, I would come home crying about every day. It was because of my accent, you see. People couldn’t really understand me.’
Meechaiel Criner grandmother: ‘He would get along until you made him mad and then he snapped’
Why did Meechaiel Criner murder Haruka Weiser?
Who killed Haruka Weiser and why?
From there Meechaiel Criner reveals coming from a broken family, with his mother having sent him to live with his grandmother because his mother ‘didn’t want to be responsible for kids.’
The interview goes on to describe Meechaiel Criner’s upcoming Christmas festivities, of home cooking, home decorations, this despite the fact that at the time of Meechaiel Khalil Criner’s arrest, the youth was described as being a homeless youth. Which is to suggest the youth in all likelihood came to recently run away.

The troubling account of Meechaiel Khalil Criner’s life also reveals Haruka Weiser’s murderer having to leave elementary school and find hospice into foster homes before eventually ending up at his grandmothers.
From there Meechaiel Criner describes foster care being a kind of hell, ‘almost a prison,’ hinting at the young man’s anger and hostility that would evolve over time.
The article tells of the youth having been a victim of physical violence (authorities have intimated that Haruka Weiser was violently assaulted whilst declining to specify the nature of her injuries and exact cause of death), of Criner being locked in the bedroom and thrown to the ground and physically hurt. Never mind the psychological ramifications such treatment would have on the youth who presumably over time came to resent his lot and the world around him.
Yet it’s the tragic statement which catches readers.
Explains the embittered teen, ‘I like to stand up for people,’ adding ‘I like to help others.’
The interview ends with the youth conceding that his future plans are unclear along with the poignant ironic realization that one day he would leave a legacy behind, but not the one the youth probably ever in his wildest dreams ever imagined.
Tells the youth: ‘Every day, I feel people think I’m not capable of much. What I want to leave bending is my name- I want them to know who Meechaiel Criner is.’