Authorities are still trying to make sense of why one 16 year old student, Chris Plaskon took to viciously stabbing to death fellow Jonathan Law High school honors student, Maren Sanchez this past Friday morning in a school stairwell after she declined the Connecticut boy’s overtures for a prom date.
What has been discovered to date is that the youth had a history of previous attempts at self harm and suicide along with bouts of severe depression.
Chris Plaskon arraignment no show. To be tried as an adult.
Maren Sanchez’s boyfriend, Jarrod Butts devastated by death. Did Chris Plaskon view him as a threat?
So despondent had the youth become of late that friends began to question why Chris Planks was habitually arriving to school with long sleeves, with reports that by then he was cutting himself.
According to fellow classmates, the beleaguered youth suffered from ADHD and other mental issues which manifested itself in bizarre behavior in the classroom.
One possible explanation has been that the severity of the drugs doled out to the youth and how or whether that may have affected him or exacerbated his overall wellbeing.
Told one classmate, Seamus O’Reilly: ‘He just wasn’t right. I know his cousin. He didn’t act right.’
Or was it a situation of unrequited love?
According to investigators, Chris Plaskon had dated Maren Sanchez a few years earlier in middle school, but the relationship ended, possibly after Sanchez called things off.
Yet whilst Sanchez was able to move forward and begin to eventually date new boys, Plaskon struggled with the loss and some friends even told that the youth had even confessed that he still carried a flame for his former ‘girl.’
An attitude that have may have been evident in the severity of the way Plaskon turned on his former flame as manifested by the degree of malice exhibited in her stabbing death this Friday in a school stairwell, where Sanchez was repeatedly stabbed in the neck with a kitchen knife.
While the notion of unrequited love may have been a strong factor in the youth’s seething resentment against his former flame, other classmates offered other clues as to the state of mind of Chris Plaskon.
Told student Tyler Curtin via the UK’s dailymail: ‘He had ADHD and took strong medicine for it and had other things, too,’
Cutlin goes on to tell how Plaskon had once attempted to kill himself but managed to call a friend at the last moment.
Reiterated Curtin: ‘He was dealing with a lot of things.’
By then the youth’s behavior was also brining attention to himself.
Reiterates Curtin: ‘He also began acting out – seeking attention from his classmates. For Halloween last year he wore a full bodysuit under his clothes and ripped his pants off in the middle of class,’
‘He was always acting up and always looking for attention,’
‘Everybody thought it was funny at the time.’
And yet here is where investigators are grappling to come to terms with the dissonance of the youth’s behavior.
The youth by all accounts had a good home life. Lived in an apartment on Long Island Sound with his father – a contractor – his mother and three brothers. If any problems existed at home, no one at school knew about them. For all intents and purposes the youth lived a reasonably well adept lifestyle and was reasonably well liked at school.
Told fellow student, Emma Grace: ‘Chris was somebody I would never imagine doing this at all. I always thought higher of him. Chris was always someone that was very into sports, nice, friendly, had a lot of friends.’
Added another friend: ‘He was smart, he did well in classes,’
‘Something had to snap.’
Told another student, Mick Murray: ‘Chris was always funny and happy. He made everyone laugh.’
Adding: ‘He was always kind of weird,’
‘But nothing that made me think he would do this.’
Offered Gail Wells, the mother of a student who has known the Plaskon family for years: ‘He was an all-American kid, the kind of kid you’d want your kids hanging around.’
Some have surmised with the pressure of the looming prom, a proxy for a student’s social savviness, the pressure for Chris Planks to ‘just fit in’ was becoming a hurdle that was just too much for him.
Told one youth: ‘It’s just embarrassing if you don’t have a date.’
Complicating matters was the fact that Sanchez was by now going out with a new boy, and that at one stage Plaskon and Sanchez’s new boyfriend were friends, until that is he started going out with Sanchez.
Added one student: ‘He was a lacrosse and hockey star and they had been going out for a month and a half.’
Could Chris Plaskon have found himself feeling humiliated and seething with jealousy? Was Maren Sanchez’s new boyfriend everything in his mind that he only wished he could be for himself? For Maren Sanchez?
Interestingly it has been documented that Plaskon was also a track athlete, with various online stats sites recording Plaskon’s participation in interscholastic track events.
Yet perhaps most ominously, Chris Plaskon’s Facebook page, noted his favorite ‘athlete’ as been listed as FPS Russia, a Youtube channel where men fire large weapons.
Since the senseless death of Maren Sanchez the small seaside community of Milford, Connecticut has be left reeling and hundreds of friends and fellow students attended a memorial held in her honor Friday night.
The students wore their dresses and tuxes to the beachside memorial for Maren instead, releasing purple balloons in tribute.
It is thought that the prosecution will now seek to bring Chris Plaskon to trial as an adult, bitter irony for a youth who probably aspired to be perceived as an ‘adult’ but somehow struggled to find his composure as he finally one Friday morning snapped.
At present Chris Plaskon is being held in a mental health ward as they continue to evaluate what led to the tragic stabbing of one teen girl who had been chosen as prom Queen for that evening’s prom…
I already reported that picture to Google. It isn’t her. At the time of her death, she had short hair. Also, as a retired RN, I can tell you that if she required CPR and had lost a lot of blood, she would likely have had an airway tube placed in her mouth down her trachea, and they would not have been able to start an IV in the small veins of her hand.
Also, she was critically ill and would not have been left with one person standing a few feet away, on a stretcher, with nobody else around her.
She would have been on her back, surrounded by people moving her quickly to the ambulance. Likely one of those people would have been breathing for her down her airway tube with an ambu bag.
Just stop already! She doesn’t deserve to have picture posted like that. He should have cut his own throat and be done with his sorry life. No excuse for this low life or his family!