Kids I haven’t quite figured out who she is, what she does and why she does what she does. Nevertheless no one seems to care, as Olya Abramovich continues to racket followers into the hundreds and thousands on social media outlets.
Yet while her saucy pictures have retained her a legion of fans across the world, there are some who find her antics a smidgen on the too provocative.
Told the Russian social media babe on the Facebook recently after a volley of comments denouncing her latest risqué shots:
“If you really have to report my photos as nudity and pornography, please delete me from your friend list or stop following me. We all have bodies and we have to be proud of them no matter what! That’s not shame and I don’t show anything you didn’t see before. It is the freedom of art and that piece of art is my body! If you have a problem with that be free to leave this profile and forget about me! Don’t judge someone because of who they are!”
To say Olya Abramovich (born November 6, 1989 according to her facebook profile) is unapologetic would be an understatement.
As of yet no one has quite worked out who Olga is (her profile tells she was born in Perm, Russia, 614021) and what her mission statement is, sans she seems to like spending a lot of time in front of the mirror snapping pix of herself and making her fans hot and bothered.
Reported one site: Olya is a Russian model who’s been featured in Faces and Faces International. Other than that, there is not much info on her out there. But, who needs info when you got smokin’ hot pictures to look at.
Find Olya on her social media sites:
Who knows maybe Olya Abramovich is gunning for her own big marketing campaign?
And for those of you keen to get a look in at some of her more (very) risqué shots, go here, at your own risk.
Is there a way to let her know that someone is using several of her pictures as their profile to sell their diet products?
Check out Ashley Barter on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ashley.barter.7?fref=ts
instagram @oabramovich