Mark Andrew, a former Minneapolis, Minnesota mayoral candidate was beaten up by two teenage girls after having his cellphone stolen.
The former Hennepin County Commissioner, who had come in second to Betsy Hodges in one of the most completive mayoral races the state had ever seen, had just hung up the phone when a young man came up and swiped his iPhone 4S from the table.
Told Mark Andrew: ‘I was targeted because the phone was out and I’m 63 years old, and I’m sure they thought that I was easy pickins.’
From there, the former mayoral candidate gave chase only to find himself being stopped by two teenage girls.
The women, one of them armed with a billy club, didn’t let Andrew get away and mercilessly beat him over the head until he started bleeding profusely.
When Mark Andrew fought back, one of the women,18-year-old Letaija Shapree Cutler-Cain gouged his face with her fingernails and said: ‘I’m going to kill you! Let me go or I’m going to kill you.’
Within five minutes cops had arrived, but Andrew went on to tell despite hundreds of shoppers witnessing the incident no one intervened because ‘they were too afraid‘ going on to call that a ‘sad commentary.’
Upon being taken into custody, the women claimed Mark Andrews attacked them first, but a witness inside the restaurant stepped in to validate Andrew’s story.
Cops were not able to find the man who originally stole the phone after he fled the mall.
Fortunately shoppers saw him the man drop the former mayoral candidate’s phone and return it to him.
Cutler-Cain was taken to Hennepin County Jail where she was charged with one count second-degree assault and two counts of first-degree aggravated robbery. Her first court hearing is set for Monday
Police have declined releasing the name of the second girl as she is 17-year-old minor. The deadline to file charges against the 17-year-old girl have been extended to Monday at noon.
After the incident, Mark Andrew was taken to Fairview Southdale Hospital where he received nine stitches to his head.
Told the former mayoral candidate: ‘In my estimation, these kids are damaged,’
‘They have to be held accountable. The juvenile may be too far gone. She was extremely violent. I believe she was trying to kill me, and her actions supported her statement. She was swinging as hard as she could.’
Can anyone tell why it was a close mayoral race in the first place?

“No one intervened because ‘they were too afraid‘? Intervene? With what? The government has left all of us unarmed and defenseless at the mercy of these mindless creatures. Welcome to Obama’s America.
“No one intervened because ‘they were too afraid‘? Intervene? With what? The government has left all of us unarmed and defenseless at the mercy of these mindless creatures. Welcome to Obama’s America.
We need more Obama phones.
We need more Obama phones.