Making the media rounds is the sad story of one self absorbed afflicted 17 year old media prodigy who has resorted to begging trash tabloid world to leave her alone she can relish in just being a normal kid. Of course this would be all fine and dandy except for the fact that the normal aspiring kid in question happens to be Kendall Jenner who hasn’t known a normal day in her life…
gather: According to a new US Weekly report released on April 3, Kendall Jenner is now revealing that she does wish sometimes that she can just be a regular person.”The show brought us everything we have, and I realize that, but sometimes I just want to be left alone and be a normal kid for like five minutes,” Jenner has revealed to Cosmopolitan in an exclusive interview. “That’s tough when the paparazzi are chasing you.”
Of course that’s all an oxymoron considering that all Kendall does is court the media when it’s convenient for her and then cries foul when it all becomes too cumbersome and all too consuming. Which of course is just a sweet reminder that like all parasitic relationships, one parasite is obliged to feed of the other even if the other simply wishes for a bit of time out…Which is just a cute way of saying one can’t be a masochist without also relishing in the sadist hanging off you…
Then again isn’t there anything cuter than using the media to tell the world you want to be left alone whilst preening oneself in a new photo shoot? Who knows maybe Kendall may want to try a more unique and original approach- stop courting the media you two timing media whore…