America’s favorite newest past time now includes bullying ‘perceived’ undesirable to go ahead and kill themselves…
16 year old teenager, Jessica Laney has become the latest teenage victim to the tasteless fad called ‘internet bullying individuals with low self esteem until they finally kill themselves.’
The girl’s death came after she was found hung dead at her Hudson, Florida family home this past Sunday evening. The death it is believed came after an avalanche of anonymous hateful comments directed at the teen including one demand for her to simply just do herself in.
The bulk of the bullying it is understood came from social networking site, where users can anonymously post questions and answers on a user’s page. Up to her suicide, the young woman had been relentlessly tormented over her looks, her love life (yes, she was called a slut, cause shaming young women is always the fun predictable way to go) as well as her weight where she was called fat.
In the end, according to friends of the teenager, the constant bullying got to the teenager who by now felt completely humiliated and debased.
Said friend Valeria Canales via ABC. ‘She was constantly bullied and bullied. And she was pushed and pushed to the point where she couldn’t handle it anymore.
‘ is a website where people can ask anonymous questions to anyone they want. And that’s how Jessica was constantly put down and bullied… It needs to be shut down.
‘She was a beautiful girl & everyone loved her. Shes gonna be missed. We have to put an end to bullying. Please help.’
What’s worth asking is why the teenager felt compelled to listen to what those on site thought of her and why she simply didn’t just shut her account off? Or is it a situation that so often today a young woman’s identity and social acceptance is bookmarked to such social barometers, where one now feels compelled to have one, irrespective of the negative consequences at the hands of anonymous users who are aware that they have free reign to negatively pile in. Which of course perversely may be the vast appeal of the site in the first place as one isn’t obliged to reveal their real identity thus emboldening many to say and do things that they would not normally do in real life where there are of course real life consequences and responsibilities.
Tells the UK’s dailymail: One visitor asked her, ‘Can you kill yourself already?’ while another commented ‘nobody even cares about you’.
Jessica, who was a keen soccer player, also takes to the page to reveal her own turmoil, sharing her heartbreak at her troubled family life, school spats and concerns over her body.
‘My brother and I don’t talk anymore,’ she wrote earlier this month. ‘My dad, yeah he ignores me like I don’t even f***ing exist. I have almost no friends I actually trust. My mom bitches at me for the littlest things. I am basically all alone.’
And in one now haunting post, she responded to a question asking what she thought about suicide.
‘If you ever feel this low I just wanna say it’s not your fault,’ she wrote at the end of November. ‘I know you feel useless, broken, not wanted and alone. I was there. But I promise you it will get better.
‘You will get through the endless pain I promise school will be over soon and you can get away from the judgmental f***s. Nothing is worth it; it will all get better.’
While speculation mounts that cruel treatment on site where the teenager held an account under the moniker Jessicamarieee1, an official from the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office says neither Laney’s parents nor Laney’s boyfriend were aware of any bullying in her life.
Reiterated Doug Tobin, Public Information Officer for the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office.
“Our thoughts and prayers go to the Jessica Marie Laney’s family as they deal with their loss. (Pasco County Sheriff’s Office) is not aware of any formal complaint to the Pasco School District or PSO about her being bullied.”
And what do administrators think of Jessica Laney’s suicide?
via myfoxtampabay: This isn’t the first time questions have been raised about the site Ask.FM, and the company has even responded to those questions after a similar case in Ireland, with company officials saying people shouldn’t blame their site.
“ is just a tool which helps people to communicate with each other, same as any other social network, same as phone, same as piece of paper and pen.
“Don’t blame a tool, but try to make changes . . . start with yourself . . . be more polite, more kind, more tolerant of others . . . cultivate these values in families, in schools,” Mark Terebin, founder and chief executive, posted on the site during an investigation.
The site is based in Latvia, drawing interest from teenagers around the world. The “FM,” though, is a country code domain for the Federated States of Micronesia, which is located in the Pacific Ocean.
A RIP Jessica Laney Facebook page was created in her honor Monday.
At present around 3,000 people have signed a petition at to close the website
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