A Russian woman, Aishat Maksudova from the village of Novo Biryuzyak in the Dagestan region has found herself in the unlikely situation of being hailed a bad ass hero.
It all happened when Aishat was amongst a group of villagers herding cows and sheep when a wolf appeared and started causing havoc with the herd. Which is when Aishat then sprang into action.
Approaching the wolf with an axe the wolf who was in the throes of taking a kill then sprang on her forcing a do or die situation.
Said the 56 year old woman who also happens to be a grandmother:
“I was not even frightened. I stood like this, holding an axe like this. And the wolf, with an open mouth suddenly jumped on me. Jumped like that. The wolf clawed at my leg and I wanted to hit him with the axe,”
“When I raised my arm up like this, the wolf was just holding my hand. Trying to claw my hand. I wanted to open his mouth and put my fist all the way there, all the way to his throat. But I could not open him.
“So I just left my hand, and the wolf was just clawing into it, pulling on it, pulling away like this. And then I took the axe and hit him on his head.”
In the end Aishat won out after she battered the wolf with her bare hands before then bludgeoning it on the head with the axe, consequently then having to go to hospital where she received medical treatment for bite marks she sustained.
According to skynews, fellow villagers have vowed to hunt down other remaining wolves in the area. It is thought by some that a shortage of food precipitated the wolf attacking a young calf and the grandmother conversely also at risk because of the scarcity of resources and fortune in the community was forced to take action against the wolf were many would have let the wolf take its kill.
Crepi il lupo!
The video shows a different woman (she is in the hospital with a bandage on her hand) than the one in the photo. Mix up? Maybe the photo is of the great-grandma?
LOVE the babushka scarf. This woman is a tough babe AND knows her fashion, too!