Kids in the next installment of ‘my name is Lindsay Lohan and this is what happened to me when I woke up whilst you were still asleep,’ our collective hero takes to twitter to regale to us what a tough life it is being little Ms Popular and such a workaholic.
Lilo’s tweet: Note to self.. After working 85hours in 4days, and being up all night shooting, be very aware that you might pass out from exhaustion & 7 paramedics MIGHT show up @ your door…. Hopefully theyre cute. Otherwise it would be a real let down. XL @mrsalperez -back on set.
My my, our hero is really working hard for her paysack. Yes, that’s right. It’s simple Lilo came home after another grueling day of being a media whore, put her lips on some good shit, sucked it up, popped an ambien (cause that way she’s guaranteed to get all the good sleep she needs) sucked on the last strands of coco that she accidentally came across when she went to make herself a toasted cheese sandwich and slowly headed back to lala land when her ass was soon there after being reported in mortal danger and about to be extinguished. But that of course is wishful thinking. Lilo has no intention of ever leaving earth. As long as there’s a nightclub, a half empty coco baggy and a camera man willing to take a picture of her, the idea of passing out to oblivion doesn’t particularly appeal to her.
Never mind Lilo, as social workers, teachers, paramedics, interns, lawyers, secretaries, self employed entrepreneurs and just about anyone you can think of who still has a job can tell you, 4000 hour days are just par for the course. Hopefully once Lilo gets used to being a working human again her stamina levels might just go back up.