Last month Dennis Rodman‘s lawyer cried that our collective hero was too broke to even piss in a pot let alone pay child support but this weekend it looks like Dennis miraculously is back to pissing in gold tinted pot pans and then some….
Once the fuzzy preferred hawt bixch of yester year who could make a committed wife go foul on her marriage for the chance to nestle her lips on his long johns, our collective hero, Dennis Rodman it seems has seen his rising star go out of focus of late.
Once one of the highest players for the Chicago Bulls and often seen romping it up in gender bending outfits the golden child of the basket ball court who could once command large fees just for turning up like his usual drunkard self a venue fall in hard times. Well that’s what his lawyer said last week, when Dennis’ ex, Michelle, started wondering why her ex hawt bixch was so deep in arrears. (to the tune of a $1 million bucks).
After sobbing to the world Dennis was simply a lovable drunk who’s time had come and gone and that essentially getting him to front child support payments might be a bixch given his ass is dirt broke and a not nearly as desirable as it once was, that plus the fact that his divorce has made him a committed drunk 24/7 unable to function in society (according to his attorney, Linnea Willis) comes a new video showing our hawt bixch littering throwing money away, because that’s what poor people who are on behind on child arrears do.
According to sources close to TMZ, the bixch had just wrapped a hosting gig at a nightclub (see he still has fans) whereupon a few hours later feeling re invigorated he was out spending the kids his money on the good shit.
Says TMZ: Before long, The Worm was flinging stacks of singles into the air … lining the floor of the entire store with cash. We’re told he also spent a couple thousand on new threads while he was there.
The moral of the lesson? Nothing says having a good time and going back to the brink than spending one’s rent money on the good shit for a 3 minute high and months of grief to follow. I’m sure Dennis’ ex is memorizing the serial number of every dollar bill that dropped on the floor….