Home Scandal and Gossip Wall st banker busted for stalking his beautiful ex mistress.

Wall st banker busted for stalking his beautiful ex mistress.

Daniela Rausnitz

David Gray just couldn’t get enough of a woman he once shared an adjacent cubicle with and in the end his incestuous behavior has led to the probable demise of his career.

nydailynews: A J.P. Morgan investment banker has been convicted of waging an obsessive, trans-Atlantic harassment campaign against a gorgeous young mistress he met while working in adjacent cubicles in New York.

At first their relationship which began in the NYC branch, but not in the most orthodox manners as one would expect intoxicated them, he was after all a married man and she was an intern who he had protected from other fellow predatory bankers at the branch. But then again who ever said romance and passion ever had to make sense?

dailymail.co.uk: Gray, a graduate of Ivy League Cornell University, had been working for the firm since 2004.

Miss Rausnitz worked as an unpaid intern before completing her studies at Duke University, ranked as one of the best in the world, where she set up a high-profile organisation dedicated to supporting women in business.

When she returned as an employee she began an affair with Gray, despite the fact he was married. In a strange twist, their relationship was cemented after she confided that she was being sexually harassed by a senior banker at the firm.

Like most affairs theirs were met with hopes for the elusive, he promised to leave his wife for her, she to be there for him. But then something changed in Mr Gray’s demeanor. Especially after she accepted a job offer in London to solidify her career. Rebuffed he then covertly followed Miss Rausnitz to London who by now was beginning to have a change of heart. He was after all a married man and she had just been offered a dream job in London. Mr Gray for his part got jealous, he was the spurned man, the master of the universe who could always close every deal. Except this one. Never mind he thought, this too would be his, eventually.

By now he had flown back and forth to London to visit Ms Rausnitz 4 times, most of the visits coerced and unsolicited. Then she told him- she was seeing another man. Perhaps now he would leave her alone. But Mr Gray was the master of the universe and like most business deals he was acquianted with, he was sure he could turn this deal around. It would just take some persistence and due diligence. What type of due diligence?

At one stage he sent her 176 text messages and 23 emails over just 16 hours. He even used his key to enter her Onslow Gardens home and take two candlesticks that belonged to his grandmother.

Miss Rausnitz accused him of trying to change his flights so they were on the same aircraft, putting a tracking device in her bag and breaking in to her email account.

He collapsed in front of her at Heathrow Airport –something she accused him of faking and which he said was brought on by stress.

But perhaps the best guise was when he accosted Ms Rausnitz at the Intercontinental Hotel in Park Lane and tried to have apprehending police officers believe he was an Israeli secret service agent, which on some perverse level wasn’t too far from the truth, as Ms Rausnitz had now become the holy grail of his existence. No stone in due diligence would be left unturned.

Carrying two bottles of whisky and Cuban cigars, he said he travelled to the hotel to apologise to Miss Rausnitz and her father. 

He told a police officer that he had received tapes of conversations recorded by a hidden bug under the bed at her home and urgently needed to speak to her.

This after all had by now become a top secret mission with everything at stake, his honor, his reputation and his belief that he was the master of the universe. Who said love was rational, it too could be acquired and reacquired at almost any cost.

Sentencing him to a conditional discharge at West London Magistrates’ Court, District Judge Andrew Sweet said Gray could face a serious penalty if the harassment continues.

He said the banker will be arrested if he contacts Miss Rausnitz by any means and then visits Britain. 

The court has no powers to stop him contacting his victim from America but can arrest him if he returns having done so. He is free to come to Britain if he does not contact his victim before or during the visit.

A master of the universe except not a master of his emotions. Such are the unfortunate perils of invincible wall st bankers. His employer has declined to offer a comment and it is widely held that Mr Gray will be asked to leave his empire…

David Gray, fallen master of the universe.