Here’s a fun story that’s being making the rounds courtesy of a Guest of a Guest. It involves one of the contestants David Yontef ostensibly claiming that the show’s producers do not do a background check to determine if you actually fit the criteria that has made Millionaire Matchmaker the fin de sicle of yearning brides to be- that is that you are actually a millionaire.
Geesh kids, are you shocked and gushing like us? You know life isn’t fair when the hot dude strutting in front of you isn’t a certified millionaire. In fact tear drops are gushing in the water basin as we look out the window. Boo Hoo!
guestofaguest : Yontef, CEO of Advertising Executives Inc., an executive recruitment firm for the pharmaceutical advertising industry, claims he owns a $5 million property with no mortgage and has an additional $1 million in cash. Other contestants, he claims are not so lucky.
Wow, kids, I’m kind if gushing- it sounds like Yontef might be our collective wet dream, and you know how much we all like wet dreams. Mucho grande.
He claims that Bravo does not check bank accounts or tax returns in order to verify whether contestants are millionaires.
“I honestly think that if you portray yourself as wonderful and fabulous, and wealthy,” he said.”I think you could get on this show even if you are completely not a millionaire.”
Yontef estimated that 50 % of the contests do not actually have $1 million, and I asked him to be more specific.
“You’re really gonna go there and ask me who I don’t think is a millionaire?” he yelped.
But he needed little prompting before naming Stacy Kessler, Doug Kepanis, and Jason Teich as shams.
Shams? Mercy me- the show is a sham? Isn’t that like saying it’s just one big hyperbole wet dream making dizzier passes at an empty universe. Kids if a millionaire can’t love you- should you let a faux millionaire love you?
And courtesy of nickypapers :
More importantly, it should still be recognized that they’ve sought the help of Patti Stanger in an effort to fight off the painful realities of becoming “Old, Emotionally Broke, and Brutally Honest”-regardless of how much money they really have or claim to have tied- up in real estate.
Life is scary in 2011 after all. Blah!
Millionaire Matchmaker party for Robin Kassner!
Patti Stanger wants to explain to you how you suddenly became despised.
When you get a moment, please check out the latest developments on the Millionaire Matchmaker story:
David Yontef’s written response is inconsistent with what’s presented in the Guest of a Guest footage. Additionally the David’s quote “how can people live in NYC and have UNDER $1 million dollars” is buzz worthy for New Yorkers.
You probably also saw David Yontif’s comment on your website as well…
Christopher London
The Millionaire Matchmaker ‘reality show’ is truly Madoffian power sell by Andy Cohen’s production team at Bravo of a Jappy Russian Hooker/Madam posing as a relationship expert who is far less credible at her craft than a top Madam such as Sidney Biddle Barrows or even Heidi Fleiss. This relationship quack has now brought her traveling road show of circus clowns to our great metropolis.
This so called ‘reality show’ portrays romantic idiocy and hardly holds up a magnifying glass to the increasing challenges of finding true romance in present day urban America where our 24/7 crackberry culture leads many folks to perpetually search for the Bigger Better Deal, much as it is a fame vehicle for Jappy Russian Hooker/Madam peddling her cliched sanctimonious romantic hyperbole to a naive general public. Sure, it is only entertainment but what’s obvious to me is that the folks at Bravo and specifically their celebrated producer Andy Cohen are hardly trying to elevate our culture as much as it engaging in coprophagiac indulgence and getting us all to dine heavily on our down excrement.
This woman, plain and simple, is a hustler peddling a suspect and out dated brand of romantic fiction, or McLovin, representative of the vacuous left coast culture of puffy lipped, designer clothes and stilletto wearing, golddiggers that target men of means. Stanger is a fraud posing as the romantic messiah for the vapid material consumerist class of folks who rarely engage in any meaningful introspection about the state of their own romantic lives, hence their willingness to trust it to a woman who could makes used car salesman choke on their own vomit. This woman has been here in New York City for literally 5 minutes, had a bagel and schmeer and thinks she gets NYC? Seriously, this busted ho needs to take her traveling road show of circus clows back to La La Land.
“How can anyone live in NYC who isnt a millionaire – whether its from owning their own business – or owning their own little studio in NYC.”
Seriously? I never make comments like this but you need a reality check. There are millions of people that live in NYC and are NOT millionaires. This comment must have been a joke or you’re completely out of touch with reality. Geez.
I am TIRED of people TWISTING my words to get press and profit of a 15 second clip that was part of a 20 minute conversation that was taken COMPLETELY out of context. My words were COMPLETE speculation and I am sure that everyone’s credentials were checked as well as mine. How can Bloggers take my words and blow them WAY out of proportion. For example, Robin Kassner has her OWN PR company – Haute PR – so how can she live in NYC and have UNDER $1 million dollars. The show – after all – is called Millionaire Maker. Obviously, my financials were checked and I am SURE everyone else’s were also. How can anyone live in NYC who isnt a millionaire – whether its from owning their own business – or owning their own little studio in NYC. This is a NONcontroversy and I cannot beleive that after a few drinks bloggers take something completely out of context and try to take something completely out of context that is a non controversy. Per my BLOG that was written and posted on – I had an amazing experience.
David Yontef
It seems as though more contestants on the show are planning a Coup d’ Patti Stanger. They seem to be very bitter about the way they’ve been treated by her and portrayed on television after editing.