Home Nightlife Scallywag finally meets Society Choice.

Scallywag finally meets Society Choice.


Images courtesy of Shireen Fernandez. From left to right: Shireen Fernandez, Sofia Kandelaki, Scallywag, Susana Zori Maina, Abir Bennani and guest.

I’d been hearing about Society’s Choice since the beginning of the year, but as is customarily my practice I’d been keeping a low profile (except when it came to extorting celebrities and reality stars…) and watching carefully to see what the group would evolve into. After all everyone has aspirations of creating or belonging to a society group, but how many of those groups would one actually care to be part of? And that’s when I watched and ever so often would come to read their heartfelt articles and commentary when one day I decided to reach out to the founders Alex Harris and Dr Shireen Fernandez and actually find out who they really were. What then better occasion than to drop by and share 4th of July celebrations and see for myself, once and for all who the collective was…

Now to be fair you’re probably wondering who Society’s Choice is in the first place (I know I was…)- that said instead of telling you off the bat who they are, let me tell who they are not first: they are not (from what I could discern in my relative sober state) a fly by night Evangelical group that one occasionally comes across in life giving life affirming speeches whilst sipping on chamomile tea and tearfully jerking forward every time Jesus or Countess LuAnn de Lessep’s name is mentioned. Nor are they are one of those types one sees cruising deep into the Hamptons with this years beamers (well I hope not…blah!) and their expense accounts suffocating any my self worth you I may have this recession. Nor are they one of these star struck archetypes that do double takes when you mention you know such and such and you’re a perennial favorite of PMC. Nor are they the type to have you looking for your sanity when the coco pop boy drops by to make his delivery and get the party going, of course that doesn’t mean they’re not a zany lot- because as I will soon disclose there is some zaniness there.

Alex Harris and Shireen Fernandez.
Gregory in the middle.
Abir Bennani and guest.



  1. After all everyone has aspirations of creating or belonging to a society
    group, but how many of those groups would one actually care to be part
    of? And that’s when I watched and ever so often would come to read their
    heartfelt articles and commentary when one day I decided to reach out
    to the founders Alex Harris andDr Shireen Fernandez and
    actually find out who they really were. What then better occasion than
    to drop by and share 4th of July celebrations and see for myself
    and for all who the collective was.

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