Home Pop Culture What your weed smoking choices really say about you?

What your weed smoking choices really say about you?


The Edibles man:
What it says about you. Never approach this soul on an empty stomach…

You are an experienced pot smoker, but you think that all the cliches about stoners don’t apply to you. You’d much rather spend money on a good batch of pot brownies or space cake than go see a 3-D movie. For your birthday, you do both! You really want to do more projects around the house, but you’re just too lazy and when you try to, you usually make things worse. Your favorite channel is the Food Network and you secretly wish that you could kill Nigella Lawson and take her job.

You’re obviously a non conformist and prefer to get high in the company of others without them necessarily knowing you are getting high. As your office mates chug on their mid afternoon coffees and oatmeal raisins you jug down on a liter of water and what looks like oatmeal raisin cookies your momma made but are really heaven sent go to hell yummies. You are not to be trusted and deep down you hate yourself for being in denial. Redemption will come when one day you decide to share the good shit with your office mates…