Home Scandal and Gossip Study says people basically never change. Is that true?

Study says people basically never change. Is that true?


Daddy - you don't love me!

Among the findings:

Talkative youngsters tended to show interest in intellectual matters, speak fluently, try to control situations, and exhibit a high degree of intelligence as adults. Children who rated low in verbal fluency were observed as adults to seek advice, give up when faced with obstacles, and exhibit an awkward interpersonal style.

The latter must explain talking head Bill O’Reilly.

Children rated as highly adaptable tended, as middle-age adults, to behave cheerfully, speak fluently and show interest in intellectual matters. Those who rated low in adaptability as children were observed as adults to say negative things about themselves, seek advice and exhibit an awkward interpersonal style.

Sounds like Britney Spears to us.

Students rated as impulsive were inclined to speak loudly, display a wide range of interests and be talkative as adults. Less impulsive kids tended to be fearful or timid, kept others at a distance and expressed insecurity as adults.

Mmh the latter sounds like our favorite ex vice president- Dick Cheney.

Children characterized as self-minimizing were likely to express guilt, seek reassurance, say negative things about themselves and express insecurity as adults. Those who were ranked low on a self-minimizing scale tended to speak loudly, show interest in intellectual matters and exhibit condescending behavior as adults.

The former is definitely referencing to Lindsay Lohan and her extended family. The latter true of most tabloid journalists paid to attack Lilo and her clan.

And then we got this very astute observation from a commentator on NY Mag where this article was also referenced:

NYMag: Really? Than why the crazy talk from the author of the study below?

“Our experience can change the brain,” DeYoung said. “And as the brain changes, personality can change,” he said. [Channeling the ancient Neanderthals who discovered this by hitting people on the head.]

In other scientifically ground-breaking research, it has been determined that,

What do you mean you don't love me anymore?!