Some things can never be fully understood.
We really don’t know what to make of this case. To be upfront we’re hoping that the couple were somehow intoxicated when they came up with this brilliant plan, but unfortunately a niggling feeling tells otherwise (in fact at arrest the couple were found to be high on crystal meth). That said, let’s meet Patrick and Samantha, the latest additions to misguided parents on the troll….
The Sun- UK: US cops arrested Patrick Fousek, 38, and Samantha Tomasini, 20, who were allegedly touting their tot for just $25. They were held after approaching two women outside a Wal-Mart store and asking them if wanted to buy the baby.
The ladies thought Fousek was joking, said police in Salinas, California.
$25? Not $24.99 or even the one time special recession special of $19.99? And as for the joke, we can’t even begin to imagine the mental torture this child will end up feeling when one day it reads about the fact that their parents tried to hustle them for next to nothing…But jokes aside our boy Patrick really needed the money and once again started pleading with onlookers. That’s when the cops arrived and had their day ruined too…
But Officer Lalo Villegas said the man became persistent and the police were alerted. Fousek and Tomasini were held on suspicion of child endangerment charges and being under the influence. Police said Fousek was also on probation at the time of arrest.
Of course just so the universe could prove the whole matter wasn’t a laughing matter, our boy Patrick had some very unsavory consequences dealt to him once he arrived in jail. How unsavory you wonder? Let’s read on together…
Mercury News:Sheriff’s Cmdr. Mike Richards said inmates in the open dorm where Fousek had been housed jumped him at 10:15p.m. after the details of his charges were reported on television news.
Richards said the man was transported to Natividad Medical Center, where he was treated for multiple injuries to his face and two cracked ribs before being returned to the jail.
Which is just another way of saying not bad work if you can get it. Of course we doubt breaking another rib is going to repair the missing screw inside Patrick’s head, but that’s not to say that others wont see if it helps…